CSUSB Alert: Power has been restored to the San Bernardino campus; normal operations will resume Friday, July 26th.

Power to the San Bernardino campus has been restored as of 9:55 a.m. Normal campus operations will resume Friday, July 26th. Essential staff with questions on whether to report should contact their appropriate administrator. Facilities Management will be working to check all building systems including HVAC, elevators and fire alarms. If power has not been restored in your work area when you return, please report that to Facilities Planning and Management at (909) 537-5175. The Palm Desert Campus remains open and operational.

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Pamela Buchanan

Dr. Pamela Buchanan

Cohort 5



  1. While participating in the program Dr. Buchanan was promoted from Coordinator of Program Quality & Learning Support to Director of Assessment & Accountability, Snowline Joint Unified School District.
  2. Outstanding CSUSB Ed.D doctoral student, 2015.
  3. Second place in the 29th CSU Statewide Research Competition, 2015.
  4. Manuscript accepted for publication.


Director, Assessment & Accountability, Snowline Joint Unified School District

How has the Ed.D program influenced your thinking in your personal and professional life?

The Ed.D program has influenced my thinking in my personal and professional life in many ways. Prior to being accepted in the Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership, I felt off course in the leadership role that I held. I felt a need to learn more about leadership and myself, so that I could do quality work in my current position and perhaps build a bridge to future opportunities. The doctoral journey was just that, a journey filled with discovery. The journey was even more empowering than I ever imagined.

The learning was multi-layered. The professors in the program served as mentors both in leadership and scholarship. The professors provided a combination of experience, content expertise, and coaching. I appreciated that the courses in the program offered a balance of directed learning as well as opportunities for exploration and discovery. Many of the assignments forced me to think differently and pushed me just outside my comfort zone; those opportunities provided some of the deepest and richest learning.

In addition to the professors and the courses, I learned a lot from my colleagues. It was a powerful learning experience to be in classes with the same people throughout the program. Each person brought unique experiences, strengths, and perspectives which positively impacted my learning and growth.

Ultimately, I learned that I can accomplish anything that I set my mind to. Even though I completed the program, I still continue to learn about leadership, myself, and the intersection of the two. I truly feel empowered by what I have learned, practiced, and applied over the past three and a half years. Ambiguity used to scare me; I now relish the process of discovery and creation. My leadership continues to evolve because of my learning in the program.

Kouzes and Posner make it clear that leadership is not dependent on a title or position; leadership is about the environment and relationships that you create and foster around you that empower others to learn, grow, and prosper. Leadership “is about what you do” (Kouzes and Posner, 2003, p. 1). It is not a destination; it is a journey.

Reference: Kouzes, J. & Posner, B. (2003). Exemplary Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Dr. Courtney Doussett

Dr. Courtney Doussett

Cohort 5



  1. While participating in the program Dr. Doussett was promoted from adjunct faculty at both CSUSB and College of the Desert to full time tenure-track faculty at College of the Desert.
  2. Outstanding CSUSB Ed.D. doctoral student, 2016.
  3. First place in the 30th CSUSB Research Competition, 2016.
  4. Outstanding teacher College of the Desert, 2017.
  5. Manuscript accepted for publication.


Assistant Professor and Department Chair of Kinesiology, College of the Desert

How has the Ed.D program influenced your thinking in your personal and professional life?

Where do I begin? I find myself relying heavily on the skillsets developed in the doctoral program: looking at situations, structures and organizations through a social justice lens; consciously evaluating diversity or the lack thereof; continuously assessing my own biases and motives; and, being reflective in all I do. Through the scope of the program, I came to realize how equity mindedness needs to be intentional. I learned to ask better questions and to discuss ideas openly; to share rather than withhold; to strengthen my sense of purpose and foster it in others around me.

How has the CSUSB Ed.D program enabled you to transform practice or be an agent of change?

Now that I have a clear sense of purpose, it is part of my mission to spread transformative practices. I make sure that I sit on a number of pivotal committees at my institution like our College Planning Council and Academic Senate. As a member of these committees, I have worked collaboratively on all levels of planning and assessment. Every meeting and every interaction is an opportunity to bring those skillsets learned in the doctoral program with me; an opportunity to invite others to transform practice as well.

Are there any honors or awards you have received during or after your participation in the CSUSB Ed.D. program?

I had the honor of receiving first place in the 2016 CSUSB Research Competition which enabled me to participate in the statewide CSU Research Competition. I was also awarded the College of Education 2016 Outstanding Doctoral Student award.

Have you received any promotions as a result of your participation in the CSUSB Ed.D program? What have they been?

Prior to the program I was serving as adjunct faculty at both CSUSB and College of the Desert. It was during the program that I was able to be hired as a full time tenure-track faculty at College of the Desert. The doctoral program set me apart from other candidates. I am now serving as Chair of the Outcomes and Assessment Committee on our campus where I am responsible for assessments from student learning outcomes to program and institutional outcomes. Because of this role, I serve on our Accreditation Committee and our Education Master Plan Task Force. I am also transitioning into the role of Department Chair.

I cannot express enough what an incredible experience I had in the doctoral program at CSUSB. It has been a rewarding journey both personally and professionally.

Sincerely, Courtney

Gordon Amerson

Dr. Gordon Amerson

Cohort 6



  1. While participating in the program, Dr. Amerson was promoted from principal of Arroyo Valley High School to Director of Certificated Human Resources in San Bernardino City Unified in 2014.
  2. Upon graduating from the doctoral program, he was promoted to the Associate Superintendent of Human Resources in Capistrano Unified School District in Orange County, CA in 2016.  Read the complete Capistrano Unified School District News article.
  3. Manuscript accepted for publication


Associate Superintendent of Human Resources in Capistrano Unified School District

How has the Ed.D program influenced your thinking in your personal and professional life?
I think the program has influenced my thinking to the extent that I view every day from a 3-Dimensional perspective. There are so many ways to view, understand and solve a problem. The CSUSB Doctoral program has created such an analytical and critical lens for me personally as well as professionally.

How has the CSUSB Ed.D program enabled you to transform practice or be an agent of change?
What the program has given me is a critical lens to see when marginalization or inequity exists within our school systems. With my Doctoral training, I am in a position to make significant contributions to the scholarly as well as practicum based conversation. Additionally, as a result of the program I have been afforded the opportunity to lead at a high level and clearly impact organizational practice and policy.

Have you received any promotions as a result of your participation in the CSUSB Ed.D program? What have they been?

2 Promotions
In 2014 I was promoted to the Director of Certificated Human Resources in San Bernardino City Unified.
In 2016 I was promoted to the Associate Superintendent of Human Resources in Capistrano Unified School District in Orange County, CA.

Jim Feffer

Dr. Jim Feffer

Cohort 6



  1. As Dr. Feffer was completing the dissertation in the Spring of 2015, he was promoted to Director of Assessment and Data Analysis for Palm Springs Unified School District.
  2. Dr. Feffer was nominated by the Palm Springs Leadership Association (PSLA) which is his district's ACSA charter, in 2016-2017, for the Region XIX ACSA Central Office Administrator of the Year award.
  3. He is President Elect for PSLA, which will lead to being President of PSLA. 
  4. He has presented to the Palm Springs Unified School District Board of Education numerous times, and to the Riverside County Assessment Network through the Riverside County Office of Education regarding assessment-related structures being used in his district.
  5. In 2016-2017, he is his district’s data lead for participating in the CORE Districts Data Collaborative in conjunction with a group organized through Riverside County Office of Education.
  6. Manuscript accepted for publication


Director of Assessment and Data Analysis, Palm Springs Unified School District

How has the CSUSB Ed.D program influenced your thinking in your personal and/or professional life?

The Ed.D program encouraged me to further develop my thoughts on equity in education, systems within our K-12 district, and the value of collaborative practices.  I have found that I use many of the resources and skills acquired through the program when discussing topics with members of the public as well as other education professionals.  I have also referred many colleagues to articles and books gathered while in the program which are topical to current discussions within our district.

How has the CSUSB Ed.D program enabled you to transform practice or be an agent of change?

The program has enabled me to affect change in a few ways.  The understanding of research methodology, statistical interpretation, and analytical skills developed through the coursework and dissertation process are used regularly to develop probing inquiries regarding current practices and analyze outcomes.  Collaborative practices and the use of multiple perspectives when discussing situations has improved due to my participation in the program.  Because my dissertation aligned greatly with my work in the field, I have been able to use knowledge gathered from my research and the various sources used for the dissertation to assist in changing and refining systems in multiple ways.  Learning did not stop upon program completion, rather the program allowed me to ask new and exciting questions, viewing practice and policy in grander and more dynamic ways than my previous approaches.

Are there any honors or awards you have received during or after your participation in the CSUSB Ed.D. program?

I haven’t won any awards, however I was nominated by the Palm Springs Leadership Association (our district ACSA charter) this year for the Region XIX ACSA Central Office Administrator of the Year award.  To my knowledge, the winner has yet to be determined.  I have also become President Elect for PSLA, which will lead to being President of PSLA next academic year. 

Are there any special achievements you would like noted (publications, presentations, other)?

Since completing the program, I have been focused on aspects of my current position as Director of Assessment and Data Analysis for PSUSD.  I have presented to the PSUSD Board of Education numerous times, and have presented to the Riverside County Assessment Network through the Riverside County Office of Education regarding assessment-related structures being used in our district.  This year, I have been our district’s data lead for participating in the CORE Districts Data Collaborative in conjunction with a group organized through Riverside County Office of Education.

Have you received any promotions as a result of your participation in the CSUSB Ed.D program? What have they been?

As I was completing the dissertation process in the Spring of 2015, I was promoted to Director of Assessment and Data Analysis for Palm Springs Unified School District.  This is my second year in the position.

Dr. Ricky Shabazz

Dr. Ricky Shabazz

Cohort 2



1. Dr. Shabazz has presented at numerous events on student equity, student success, First Year Experience, and a host of other local, regional and national conferences. This includes, ACCCA, ACCT, A2MEND, CCCCSO, CCCCO, and a host of other organizations.

2. Dr. Shabazz was selected as a 2016 Thomas Lakin Institute Fellow 

3. Dr. Shabazz has been promoted three times from dean to vice president of a community college. Dr. Shabazz was recently appointed President of San Diego City College, July 2017. Read the complete San Diego City College gets new president news article. Dr. Shabazz' appointment was also announced in The Diverse Weekly Recap: Issues in Higher Education.

4. He is currently in two president academies for future college presidents.

5. Manuscript accepted for publication


President, San Diego City College

How has the CSUSB Ed.D program influenced your thinking in your personal and/or professional life?

The CSUSB Ed.D. program influences my thinking by challenging my understanding of educational equity. The program greatly expanded my knowledge of systems theory and the types of leaders that we need to move the needle on equity. I learned a great deal about discourse and mediation processes that are necessary to transform educational institutions. 

How has the CSUSB Ed.D program enabled you to transform practice or be an agent of change?

The CSUSB Ed.D. program taught me to be a researcher. I learned both qualitative and quantitative research methods that allow me to objectively measure best practices and the time necessary to be a change agent. I know that any intervention will take 3-5 years to truly cause meaningful change. I learned the value of significant change and cohort effects. I learned to look at interventions with a critical lens to explain processes and systems. In short, I learned how to actually be a change agent using research methods. 

Are there any special achievements you would like noted (publications, presentations, other)?

I have presented on student equity, student success, First Year Experience, and a host of other local, regional and nation conference. This includes, ACCCA, ACCT, A2MEND, CCCCSO, CCCCO, and a host of other organizations.

Have you received any promotions as a result of your participation in the CSUSB Ed.D program? What have they been?

I have promoted three times from dean to vice president of a community college. I learned practical approaches that I employ in building teams of researchers that launch interventions to improve student success. I am currently in two president academies for future college presidents. None of this would have been possible without the skills that I developed in the CSUSB Ed.D. program. .Update: Dr. Shabazz was recently appointed President, San Diego City College, July 2017.

Edwin Gomez

Dr. Edwin Gomez

Cohort 4



1. Dr. Gomez presented on several occasions to the local ACSA Symposiums.  

2. In 2014, Dr. Gomez received the ACSA Region 12 Administrator of the Year Award in Curriculum and Instruction.

3.  Dr. Gomez was promoted to Administrative Director in San Bernardino City Unified (2011), and then Appointed to Chief Academic Officer in the Adelanto School District (2013) and was promoted to Superintendent in the Adelanto School District (2014), and has recently been promoted to Superintendent in the Coachella Valley Unified School District (May 2017)

4. Manuscript accepted for publication


Superintendent, Coachella Valley Unified School District

How has participating in the CSUSB Ed.D program influenced your thinking in your personal and/or professional life?

I am grateful for the vast learning experiences in the CSUSB Ed.D program that helped me to understand the intricacies of topics such as complex organizations, the facets of trust, and school funding at a more profound level. I found the components of the CSUSB Ed.D program to be a nice balance between the theoretical and pragmatic.

How has participating in the CSUSB Ed.D program enabled you to transform practice or be an agent of change?

I believe the mentorship that I received in developing my dissertation really helped me to see the urgency for positive change in high poverty school districts. There is moral imperative to build outstanding leadership in urban and impoverished communities. School districts can benefit greatly from strategic action planning and approaching issues with a keen sense of equity.

Are there any honors or awards that you have received during or after your participation in the CSUSB Ed.D. program?

In 2014 I received the ACSA Region 12 Administrator of the Year Award in Curriculum and Instruction.

Are there any special achievements you would like noted (publications, presentations, other)?

I have presented on several occasions to the local ACSA Symposiums.

Have you received any promotions as a result of your participation in the CSUSB Ed.D program? What have they been?

Promoted to Administrative Director in San Bernardino City Unified (2011)

Appointed to Chief Academic Officer in the Adelanto School District (2013)

Superintendent in the Adelanto School District (2014)

Superintendent in Coachella Valley Unified School District (Appointment, on May 18, 2017).

Jessica Mendoza

Dr. Jessica Mendoza

Cohort 6



1. Dr. Mendoza has participated in multiple educational events as the Keynote/inspirational speaker, including comprehensive and alternative High school graduation ceremonies, award ceremonies, nonprofit organizations and small project groups.  

2. Dr. Mendoza was given the opportunity to lead the after school programs for a High school and a Middle school as an ASES coordinator while in the program (2013/14-2014-15), following the completion of the program she became a High School Assistant Principal overseeing Testing, Curriculum, Technology & EL Services (2015-16) and she was just recently promoted to District Testing and Assessment Coordinator (2016-17), all for Coachella Valley Unified School District (CVUSD).

3. Manuscript accepted for publication


Coordinator, District Testing and Assessment, Coachella Valley Unified School District

How has participating in the CSUSB Ed.D program influenced your thinking in your personal and/or professional life?

Participating in the CSUSB Ed. D program has definitely influenced my reasoning and understanding of the world around me, which has improved my views and outcomes for my personal and professional life. This program gave me a broader social justice perspective, increased my emotional capacity and challenged my resiliency, which has humbled me deeply. Thanks to the learnings in this program, I consider myself a true servant and humble leader.

How has participating in the CSUSB Ed.D program enabled you to transform practice or be an agent of change?

Participating in the program has enabled me to transform practice, not only from a social justice but also from a social emotional perspective. I truly believe my most significant leadership traits revolve around my ability to see the world in an objective manner, given my solid understanding of the world around me and how each individual plays a significant role in it. I have an innate ability to form relationships to assist in transforming practice and being an agent of change; nonetheless my experiences and learning in the CSUSB Ed. D. program have given me the tools and validation necessary to sustain my efforts. 

Are there any special achievements you would like noted (publications, presentations, other)?

I have had the privilege to participate in multiple educational events as the Keynote/inspirational speaker, including comprehensive and alternative High school graduation ceremonies, award ceremonies, nonprofit organizations and small project groups. 

Have you received any promotions as a result of your participation in the CSUSB Ed.D program? What have they been?

I was given the opportunity to lead the after school programs for a High school and a middle school as an ASES coordinator while in the program (2013/14-2014-15), following the completion of the program I became a High School Assistant Principal overseeing Testing, Curriculum, Technology & EL Services (2015-16) and I was just recently promoted to District Testing and Assessment Coordinator (2016-17), all for Coachella Valley Unified School District (CVUSD).

Henry Yzaguirre

Dr. Henry Yzaguirre

Cohort 2



1. Dr. Yzaguirre has presented at the International Symposium on Social Communication in Santiago de Cuba.

2. Dr. Yzaguirre supported the 1st Latino Educational Advocacy Day under the leadership of Dr. Enrique Murillo where he received the Presidential Volunteer Service Award from President Obama’s Council on Service and Civic Participation.

3. Dr. Yzaguirre participated in writing a grant that awarded San Bernardino City Unified School District a substantial sum of money from the Institute for Teaching that emphasizes strength-based programs.  

4. Currently, he is assisting in the development and implementation of San Bernardino’s Restorative Youth Court.

5. Dr. Yzaguirre published PRAXIS 34° N 117° where several scholars and educational leaders have made written contributions such as Dr. Pedro Noguera, Dr. Gil Conchas, Dr. Louie Rodriguez, Dr. Kennon Mitchel, Justin Darling, Dr. John Winslade, Dr. Donna Schnorr and CSUSB President Tomas Morales. Issues of PRAXIS have been posted on the San Bernardino School District Youth Services website. 

6. Manuscript accepted for publication


Administrative Panel Member/Youth Courts, Department of Student Services, San Bernardino City Unified School District

How has participating in the CSUSB Ed.D program influenced your thinking in your personal and/or professional life?

The CSUSB Ed.D program was a wonderful experience. I would recommend it to others interested in pursuing doctoral work in education. Classwork and professors exposed me to literature that was new to me. Many of these seminal works in the areas of social justice, critical race theory and human development provided me with a foundation to continue my work in applying positive youth development for marginalized student populations of all kinds. Personally, I continue to read peer reviewed articles and expand my scope of interest in the areas of restorative justice and positive youth development.

How has participating in the CSUSB Ed.D program enabled you to transform practice or be an agent of change?

I could not have entered the CSUSB Ed.D at a better time than I did. I work in the department of Youth Services at San Bernardino City Unified School District. I am part of the Administrative Hearing Team at the district level. I work specifically with youth who are disengaged from school. Our department is embracing restorative practices and positive youth development to address the school to prison pipeline. Currently, I am assisting in the development and implementation of San Bernardino’s Restorative Youth Court.

San Bernardino Restorative Youth Court (SBRYC) adds another dimension to the restorative justice movement in reducing suspensions and expulsions. Several districts and juvenile police agencies throughout the country have operated similar programs with success. However, what makes SBRYC unique is that it is operated at the school district level and is based on restorative justice principles. Student misconduct is seen as a breakdown of relationships in need of repair rather than a violation that requires punishment. Traditionally, student punishment has meant excluding the student from school and not providing the student an opportunity to make things right again. SBRYC opens up an opportunity for positive youth development and reintegrating the offender back into the school community instead of stigmatizing and excluding the student from school. The latter does little in positively transforming the offender’s self-concept but does more in reinforcing their negative self-image and providing the offender a school sanctioned holiday. Dr. John Winslade has been instrumental and inspirational in the development of this program. 

Are there any honors or awards that you have received during or after your participation in the CSUSB Ed.D program?

During my participation in the CSUSB Ed.D program I had the opportunity to present at the International Symposium on Social Communication in Santiago de Cuba. Also, I was participant in the 1st Latino Educational Advocacy Day under the leadership of Dr. Enrique Murillo. I received the Presidential Volunteer Service Award from President Obama’s Council on Service and Civic Participation. More recently, I participated in writing a grant that awarded us a substantial sum of money from the Institute for Teaching that emphasizes strength-based programs.

Are there any special achievements you would like noted (publications, presentations, other)?

During my doctoral journey at CSUSB, I had the opportunity to shadow Dr. Louie Rodriguez as he and a team of youth conducted Youth Participatory Action Research. Exposure to his research provided me with the insight into the value of strength-based and positive youth development programs especially for marginalized students. This experience provided me the inspiration to publish PRAXIS 34° N 117° where several scholars and educational leaders have made written contributions such as Dr. Pedro Noguera, Dr. Gil Conchas, Dr. Louie Rodriguez, Dr. Kennon Mitchel, Justin Darling, Dr. John Winslade, Dr. Donna Schnorr and CSUSB President Tomas Morales. Issues of PRAXIS have been posted on San Bernardino School District Youth Services website. This publication will take on a different look at capturing the voices of youth that have participated through San Bernardino Restorative Youth Court Program. Please follow us and place a “Like” on Facebook at San Bernardino Restorative Youth Court. 

Have you received any promotions as a result of your participation in the CSUSB Ed.D program? What have they been?

I am grateful for the position I hold with Student Services. Participation in the CSUSB Ed.D program equipped me with the expertise to further refine my skills in my field. It also has provided me with lasting collegial relationships with Dr. John Winslade, Dr. Louie Rodriguez and Dr. Enrique Murillo. If the right position comes along I feel well confident and poised to pursue it. In the meantime I am enjoying the journey and working alongside the awesome team at San Bernardino City Unified School District where along our superintendent, Dr. Dale Marsden, we are making hope happen every day for our students.  

Cynthia J. Spence

Dr. Cynthia J. Spence

Cohort 2



1. I was raised in the San Bernardino County foster care system, and understand just how difficult it can be to pursue an education with little or no family support. Currently, Imperial Valley College has approximately 50 former Foster Youth and I am working with IVC’s Foster Youth Liaison to offer additional academic support for these students. I am also serving as a faculty advisor for IVC’s honor society Phi Thetta Kappa.

2. January 2018, CSUSB ScholarWorks reports my dissertation, published in 2014, has been downloaded over 5000 times.

3. 2017 – Presented at the California Accelerated Project Southern California Community of Practice Summer Institute on IVC’s acceleration program at a poster event.

4. 2017 - Presented at the Basic Skills Regional Partnership at California State University San Marcos on IVC’s multiple measures options.

5. 2014 – Presented my research on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation focusing on community college students at the Southern California CSU Ed.D Research Symposium.

6. 2010 and 2009 – Presented research on Basic Skills students in the community college setting at the 7th and 8th annual Graduate Student Research and Scholarship Symposium at California State University San Bernardino.

7. Offered full-time English Faculty positions at two community colleges; I accepted the full-time tenure track position offered by Imperial Valley College. I believe my doctorate degree and my research in community college acceleration strategies gave me an advantage in a very competitive job market.  


Assistant Professor, English, Imperial Valley College

How has participating in the CSUSB Ed.D program influenced your thinking in your personal and/or professional life?

Earning my doctorate has given me the ability and the confidence to pursue my research objective of introducing innovative academic approaches to improve the Basic Skills student’s community college experience.  In 2008, as a community college English instructor, I wanted to transform the traditional practice of asking the majority of incoming students to complete several levels of developmental writing courses before enrolling in transfer level English. As a new doctorate student, I began researching intervention strategies including summer bridge programs. In 2011, I was privileged to be selected to help pilot a summer bridge program at College of the Desert. I was so impressed with the program that I focused my dissertation research on the continuing project.  My dissertation examined the role of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation focusing on Self-Determination Theory in relation to Summer Bridge Students and community college retention and persistence rates. With the support of dedicated COD administrators, staff, faculty, and with the hard work and dedication of incoming students, College of the Desert’s Summer Bridge program, known as EDGE, was so successful the Chancellor’s Office presented COD with the Chancellor’s 2016 Student Success Award. The program is now being considered for the 2018 Bellwether Award for creating pathways through the Basic Skills sequence. My participation in the program would most likely not have occurred without my doctorate studies. This first successful research experience only deepened my commitment to create even more innovate pathways to help Basic Skills students succeed in the community college environment. CSUSB’s focus on educational equity and transformational leadership practices challenged me to be the best student advocate I can be and these principles continue to guide my personal and professional objectives.

How has participating in the CSUSB Ed.D program enabled you to transform practice or be an agent of change?

I am still pursuing my objective of introducing accelerated options for Basic Skills students which is even more timely with the passage of AB705 requiring community colleges to maximize the probability that a student will enter and complete transfer-level coursework in English and math within a one-year timeframe. Fall of 2018, I am piloting an English 110 co-requisite course that enables Basic Skills students to enroll in transfer level English with additional support instead of enrolling in a Basic Skills level course. Additionally, as part of the San Diego Basic Skills Partnership Grant, which asks community colleges to appoint high school liaisons, I am working with the Central Union High School District and the Imperial Valley High School district to revise their current 12th grade English curriculum to align with IVC’s accelerated English 10 course. High school students who complete the revised English course with a B or better will enroll directly into English 110 as part of IVC’s Multiple Measures program. I am also participating in IVC’s embedded tutor program. CSUSB’s Ed.D courses in quantitative and qualitative research methods, along with courses in ethical leadership and social systems, provided the academic foundation I needed to succeed in these areas. 

Dr. Audrey Hovannesian

Dr. Audrey Hovannesian

Cohort 4



  1. Creator of the ConnectED Summit, a free multi-district (over 20 districts served) educational technology summit for classified and certificated staff.
  2. Creator of a total student safety environment (network filtering, Google environment monitoring, device monitoring and sharing)
  3. Leading Edge Certified Administrator
  4. CETPA CTO Mentor Candidate (Only 20 individuals accepted each year into this one-of-a-kind certification program)


  • Director of IT, Assessment and Accountability, and Institutional Effectiveness
    Victor Valley Union High School District

How has participating in the CSUSB Ed.D program influenced your thinking in your personal and/or professional life?

Participation in the CSUSB Ed.D. program influenced my thinking through enhancing and clarifying my critical thinking, information literacy, and written/oral communication skills. Since the program, I am able to critically discern credible and useful information for the purposes of problem solving, program implementation, professional development, and organizational management.  The skills I learned in this program, and as a research fellow of the Carnegie Project on the Educational Doctorate (CPED), provided the tools to be successful in a variety of environments and contexts.

How has participating in the CSUSB Ed.D program enabled you to transform practice or be an agent of change?

I have learned how to be a proficient action researcher with the ability to identify problems of practice, research solutions, and facilitate those solutions through organizational management, equity, and data driven methods. In addition to learning processes of transformation, the CSUSB Ed.D. program provided me a network of knowledgeable colleagues and foundational understanding of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies.

Are there any honors or awards that you have received during or after your participation in the CSUSB Ed.D. program?

  • 2018 ACSA Region 12 Technology Administrator of the Year

Have you received any promotions as a result of your participation in the CSUSB Ed.D program? What have they been?

  • Assistant Director of Assessment, California State University Office of the Chancellor
  • Director of IT, Assessment and Accountability, and Institutional Effectiveness (youngest K-12 female IT Director of color in the nation)