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Stacy Morris

Stacy Morris

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor
Child Development
Office Phone(909) 537-3047
Office LocationSB-510
UEC - Miscellaneous Projects & Grants
Office Phone(909) 537-3047
Office LocationSB-510


About Me: I am an assistant professor in CSUSB's Child Development department. I'm originally from Northern California & I completed my undergraduate degree there (Santa Clara University). In undergrad, I worked in a professor's research lab and gained experience in what professors/psychologists do (I highly recommend this, especially for students who are considering going into a Master's or Ph.D. program!). After undergrad, I went to get my Ph.D. in developmental psychology (Boston College), where I gained research expertise in adolescent development, young people contributing to positive changes in their communities (i.e. civic engagement), and developing awareness of systems of inequities in society (i.e. critical consciousness). After grad school, I did a postdoc (a position that helps you gain experience in between getting your Ph.D. and becoming a professor) at Arizona State University, where I got the opportunity to work on a large research project & facilitate partnerships between local schools/school districts and university professors. Throughout this time, I have developed partnerships with schools, community organizations, youth workers, and young people themselves. As a fairly new member of the CSUSB and San Bernardino community, I am working to learn more about my communities and find ways to partner meaningfully with local youth/youth-led organizations. I am a first-generation college student and am happy to be here to support our students in navigating these systems and contexts!

Pronouns: she/her

Red banner reading "1st gen proud!" with college graduation cap on the number 1.     Progress/Inclusive Pride flag

Currently Serving as:


B.S., Santa Clara University in Psychology

Ph.D., Boston College in Applied Developmental and Educational Psychology

Postdoctoral Fellowship with T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics, Arizona State University


CD 2240 (Introduction to Child Development)

CD 2275 (Adolescent & Emerging Adulthood Development)

CD 2285 (Effective Interactions, Activities, and Programs with School Age and Adolescent Children)


To meet with me for any reason, please come to my office hours (in person or on Zoom) or book an appointment with me (follow this link to my calendar).

Fall 2024 Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays from 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.

Fall 2024 MACD Student Office Hours: Wednesdays from 5:00 - 6:00 pm


Research and Teaching Interests

Through my research, teaching, mentorship, and community partnerships, I aim to promote equity in society and positive development in young populations. With a focus on adolescents and young adults, I study: 1) civic engagement (positive contributions to one’s communities and society); 2) critical consciousness (cognitive awareness of social inequities and active work to dismantle them); and 3) socialization (support, encouragement, mentorship) of critical civic engagement by teachers, mentors, and programs. Civic engagement supports positive outcomes; for example, youth who contribute to their communities report greater sense of purpose and meaning in life. Not all civic engagement has a positive community impact, though. In order to build a more just society, it is important to foster civic engagement that has a critical lens, such that it combats rather than upholds systems of oppression. In my research and work with students, I prioritize community partnerships and seek out ways of returning my research to the community.

I conduct my research and scholarly activities as a part of a shared research lab called EnAct: Engaging Action in Young People. In collaboration with Dr. Manpreet Dhillon Brar and students at CSUSB, in partnerships with institutions within the community, the EnAct lab focuses on promoting and supporting civic engagement in various forms (e.g., digitally, volunteering, activism, political) in different contexts (e.g. institutions, political, communities). We do our work with the goal of improving intergroup relations with attention to diversity, social identities, intersectionality, and equity. Some of the values include mentorship, community action, critical consciousness, accessibility, and collaboration.

I teach courses on adolescent development, and regularly teach CD 4498 (Advanced Child and Family Development). In my courses, I prioritize building community within the classroom, but also connecting our work to implications for collaborating with community partners.

CSUSB Department of Child Development - 2023 Outstanding Faculty Research & Scholarship Award - Dr. Manpreet Dhillon Brar & Dr. Stacy Morris CSUSB Department of Child Development - 2024 Outstanding Faculty Community Engagement & Service Award - Dr. Stacy Morris

Some Recent Publications

  • Fabes, R. A. & Morris, S. L. (2023). Development of prosociality across middle childhood. In T. Malti & M. Davidov (Eds.), Handbook of prosociality: Development, mechanisms, promotion (145-162). Cambridge University Press.  

  • Suzuki, S., Morris, S. L., Johnson, S. K. (2022). Profiles of civic assets among youth of color: Relations with civic action. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 83.

  • Suzuki, S., Morris, S. L., & Johnson, S. K. (2021). Using QuantCrit to Advance an Anti-Racist Developmental Science: Applications to Mixture Modeling. Journal of Adolescent Research, 36(5), 535–560.

  • Wortham, S., Love-Jones, R., Peters, W., Morris, S., & García-Huidobro, J. C. (2020). Educating for Comprehensive Well-Being. ECNU Review of Education, 3(3), 406-436.