Joe Gutierrez | CSUSB Office of Strategic Communication | (951) 236-4522 |

More than 70 books and book chapters were featured at Cal State San Bernardino’s biennial Faculty and Staff Book Launch held virtually April 12.
Hosted by the Office of Graduate Studies, in partnership with the Office of Academic Research, as part of Research Week, the Faculty and Staff Book Launch is a biennial event that honors faculty and staff who have published academic text in the last two years. The event showcased books or book chapters published by faculty or staff in 2019 and 2020. The featured faculty/staff this year were:
College of Arts and Letters
- Ece Algan, professor of communication studies: “Television in Turkey: Local Production, Trans - national Expansion and Political Aspirations”
- James Brown, professor of English: “Apology to the Young Addict: A Memoir”
- Jane Chin Davidson, associate professor of art and design: “Staging Art and Chineseness: The Politics of Trans/nationalism and Global Expositions” and “Global and World Art in the Practice of the University Museum”
- Kaitlyn Creasy, assistant professor of philosophy: “The Problem of Affective Nihilism in Nietzsche”
- Joseph Dowd, lecturer of philosophy: “Introduction to Asian Philosophy”
- Mary Fong, professor of communication studies: “Memoir: A Beautiful Blueprint”
- Nicole Strathman, lecturer of art and design: “Through a Native Lens: American Indian Photography”
- William Vanderburgh, professor of philosophy: “David Hume on Miracles, Evidence, and Probability”
Book chapters
- David Carlson, chair of English department: “Louis Owens, California, and Indigenous, Modernism.” as part of Louis Owens: Land and Legacy. Eds. Joe Lockard and A. Robert Lee; and “Autobiography.” as part of In Reading Primary Sources: The Interpretation of Texts From Modern History. Eds. Miriam Dobson and Benjamin Ziemann
- Dany Doueiri, professor of world language and literatures: “Digitizing the Hakawati: Digital Storytelling in Arabic Classrooms in the United States” as part of Digital Storytelling in Second Language and Foreign Language Teaching
- Thomas Girshin, associate professor of English: “Trump’s University: Argument and Pedagogy in the ‘Post-Fact Era’” as part of Literacy in an Age of Misinformation and Disinformation
- J. David Jerez-Gomez, professor of world languages and literatures: “Seducción guerrera en el Quijote: la tradición mediterránea de la mujer disfrazada.” As part of Sexo y género en Cervantes / Sex and Gender in Cervantes Essays in Honor of Adrienne Laskier Martín.
- Florencia San Martin, assistant professor of art and design: “La fotografía en la obra de Pedro Lemebel“ as part of La vida imitada. Narrativa, performance y visualidad en Pedro Lemebel.
Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration
- David Baker, professor emeritus of public administration: “Governmental Budgeting Workbook: Bridging Theory and Practice,” 4th ed; and “Instructor’s guide: Governmental budgeting workbook,” 4th ed.
- Marc Fudge, professor of public administration: “Governmental Budgeting Workbook: Bridging Theory and Practice,” 4th ed.
- Alexandru Roman, professor of public administration: “Public Procurement: A Guide to the Body of Knowledge through Exercises and Case Studies”; and “Governmental Budgeting Workbook: Bridging Theory and Practice,” 4th ed.
Book Chapters
- Francisca Beer, professor of accounting and finance: “Assessment of the Measuring Stock Market Investor Sentiment” as part of Current Strategies in Economics and Management
- Kimberly Collins, professor of public administration: “Transportation Institutions Along the U.S.-Mexico Border” as part of Binational Commons: Institutional Development and Governance on the U.S.-Mexico Border; and “Regional Geographies of the U.S.- Mexican Border” as part of Placing Latin America
- Pamela Medina, assistant professor of public administration: “Bolivia” as part of The Palgrave Handbook of Global Perspectives on Emotional Labor in Public Service; and “Immigrants and their Inclusion” as part of Achieving Social Equity: From Problems to Solutions
College of Education
- Angela Louque, professor of education leadership and technology: “Equity Partnerships: A Culturally Proficient Guide to Family, Schools, and Community Engagement”
- Enrique Murillo Jr., professor of teacher education and foundation: “Critical Readings on Latinos and Education: Tasks, Themes, and Solutions”
- Stanley Swartz, professor of special education, rehabilitation and counseling: “Literacy at Home and Alfabetizacion en el Hogar”
- Philip Swartz, lecturer of special education, rehabilitation and counseling: “Literacy at Home: Reading & Writing Activities for Family Time”
Book chapters
- Lorraine Hedtke, professor of special education, rehabilitation and counseling: “From an Individualist to a Relational Model of Grief ” as part of The Sage Handbook of Social Constructionist Practice
- Nicole Klimow, assistant professor of teacher education and foundation: “How to Teach Writing/Ch. 7” as part of Acts of Teaching
- Enrique Murillo Jr., professor of teacher education and foundation: “Bienvenidos and Happy 20-Year Anniversary!” as part of Journal of Latinos and Education Volume 20 Number 1
- Stacie Robertson, interim associate dean of the College of Education: “Ableism and Clinical Supervision” as part of Clinical Supervision: Understand Diversity & Interpersonal Dynamics
- Golge Seferoglu, associate professor of teacher education and foundation: “An analysis of negotiation of meaning functions of advanced EFL learners in Second Life: Negotiation of meaning in Second Life” as part of Assessing the Effectiveness of Virtual Technologies in Foreign and Second Language Instruction; “Continuing Professional Development for Language Teachers” as part of Research Trends in English Language Teacher Education and English Language Teaching; “Gaining Insights into Career Decisions of Prospective Teachers” as part of Opportunities and Challenges in Teacher Recruitment and Retention: Teachers Voices across the Pipeline; and “Using e-mail based voice record conversations to improve the speaking skills of EFL learners” (Mehmet Emre ALTINBAŞ & Gölge SEFEROĞLU) as part of TESOL in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities
- Xinying Yin, associate professor of teacher education and foundation: “A Self-Study on Teaching Integrated STEM Education to K-12 Science and Mathematics Teachers” as part of Critical Questions in STEM Education
College of Natural Sciences
- Jason Ng, associate professor of kinesiology: “Laboratory Experiences in Exercise Physiology”
- Paulchris Okpala, professor of health science and human ecology: “Guidelines for Effective Research to Publication: A Concise Approach”
- Rolland Trapp, professor of mathematics: “Multivariable Calculus”
Book chapters
- Sara Callori, associate professor of physics: “Using polarized neutron reflectometry to resolve effects of light elements and ion exposure on magnetization“ as part of Solid State Physics, vol. 71
- Fadi Muheidat, assistant professor of computer science and engineering: “Mobile and Cloud Computing Security” as part of Machine Intelligence and Big Data Analytics for Cybersecurity Applications
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Gisela Bichler, professor of criminal justice: “Understanding Criminal Networks”
- Fabian Borges, associate professor of political science: “Human Capital versus Basic Income: Ideology and Models of Anti-Poverty Programs in Latin America”
- Steven Childs, assistant professor of political science: “The Middle East in the Global Era”
- Meredith Conroy, associate professor of political science: “Who Runs? The Masculine Advantage in Candidate Emergence”
- Larry Gaines, professor of criminal justice: “Community Policing: A Contemporary Perspective”
- Arianna Huhn, associate professor of anthropology: “Nourishing Life: Foodways and Humanity in an African Town”
- Brian Janiskee, department chair and professor of political science: “Democracy in California”
- Kathleen Nadeau, professor of anthropology: “The History of the Philippines” 2nd Edition; and “Women and Violence: Global Lives in Focus”
- Kenneth Shultz, professor of psychology: “Measurement Theory in Action,” 3rd edition
- Christina Villegas, associate professor of political science: “Democracy in California”; and “Modern Slavery: A Reference Handbook”
- Paloma Villegas, assistant professor of sociology: “North of El Norte: Illegalized Mexican Migrants in Canada”
Book Chapters
- Annika Anderson, assistant professor of sociology: “The Intersection of Social Determinants of Health and Adverse Childhood Experiences for Incarcerated Women in San Bernardino County” as part of Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Other Social Characteristics as Factors in Health and Health Care Disparities; and “Reentry in the Inland Empire: The Prison to College Pipeline with Project Rebound” as part of Prisoner Reentry in the 21st Century
- Cary Barber, assistant professor of history: “Uncovering a ‘Lost Generation’ in the Senate: Demography and the Hannibalic War“ as part of Romans at War: Soldiers, Citizens, and Society in the Roman Republic
- Louis Gordon, lecturer of political science: “Updike’s Middle East, a Neoliberal Solution to Conflict Resolution“ as part of Updike and Politics
- Kate Liszka, associate professor of history: “Pan-Grave and Medjay: At the Intersection of Archaeology and History”
- Nerea Marteache, associate professor of criminal justice: “A Review of Responses to IUU Fishing Around the World Through the Lens of Situational Crime Prevention”
- Ethel Nicdao, department chair and professor of sociology: “You Have Such A Nice Tan!” as part of Whiter: Asian American Women on Skin Color and Colorism
- Peter Robertshaw, chair of philosophy department: “Glass Beads in African Society: Beyond Chemistry and Provenience” as part of Mobile Technologies in the Ancient Sahara and Beyond; “Fragile States in Sub-Saharan Africa” as part of The Evolution of Fragility: Setting the Terms; and “Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa”
- Reveka Shteynberg, assistant professor of criminal justice: Chapter 12: “Bail and Pretrial Detention Reform in the Lower Courts” as part of The Lower Criminal Courts
- Paloma Villegas, assistant professor of sociology: Now I constantly challenge society by bringing my existence forward: Creating Counterspaces and Counterstories with Sanctuary Students in Post- Secondary Education in Toronto; “Beds, Masks and Prayers: Mexican Migrants and the Immigration” as part of Asylum for Sale; and “Migrant Illegalization and Minoritized Populations” as part of The Palgrave Handbook of Ethnicity
Academic Affairs
- Rowena Casis-Woidyla, director of leadership development and employee enrichment: “Instructor’s guide: Governmental budgeting workbook” (4th ed.)
Book Chapters
- Gina Schlesselman-Tarango, librarian: “Exploring Epistemological Lineages: Using the Gallery Walk with Students and Instructors of a First-Year Seminar Course” as part of Critical Approaches to Credit-Bearing Information Literacy Courses