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CSUSB Center on Aging research cited in article about Parkinson’s disease, physical activity and cognitive impairment
Parkinson’s News Today
Jan. 27, 2021

The possibility that physical activity might connect anxiety to cognitive decline for people with Parkinson’s disease led researchers from California State University at San Bernardino to investigate this possible relationship by tracking anxiety, physical activity, and cognitive performance among 487 individuals newly diagnosed with Parkinson’s over a five-year period.

They found that patients who grew more anxious over the study period experienced cognitive decline and performed worse on cognitive tests, such as the Letter-Number Sequencing task and the Symbol-Digit Modalities Test.

Not mentioned in the article is that the research cited, “Physical activity as a mediator of anxiety and cognitive functioning in Parkinson's disease,” was authored by a team led by Jacob D. Jones, CSUSB assistant professor of psychology and a faculty member of the university’s interdisciplinary Center on Aging, with the center’s student researchers Holly Timblin, Elizabeth Rahmani, Shania Garrett, Joseph Bunch and Halbert Beaver; and Christopher R. Hill, CSUSB assistant professor of kinesiology.

Read the complete article at “Physical inactivity caused by anxiety linked to cognitive impairment.

CSUSB professor and graduate assistant discuss insurance for high-risk drivers
Jan. 27, 2021

Kimberly Collins, CSUSB professor of public administration and director of the Barbara and Leonard Transportation Center, and Danny Chung, CSUSB graduate assistant, were included in the Ask the Experts feature of the personal finance website that explored insurance coverage for high-risk drivers.

An excerpt: “Liability coverages vary by state. At the very least, drivers should purchase the minimum liability coverage – which includes bodily injury, property damage, and in certain states, personal injury protection – according to their state.”

Read the complete article at “Ask the Experts.”

These news clips and others may be viewed at “In the Headlines.”