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Theatre Faculty/Staff Forms


Independent Contractor

Complete the campus Independent Contractor Request Form. 

Once you receive the Independent Contractor Request Approval via an email from Human Resources Requests, please complete the Independent Contractor Process form in order for the department to process a requisition for payment.  A minimum of 30 days prior to the Contractor's start date is necessary to process the Independent Contractor request. Payment to the vendor is not included in the 30-day lead time. Payment to the Independent Contractor will be processed after work has been completed and the Independent Contractor has provided an invoice to Accounts Payable

Professional Development

Report any funds that you have received that will be transferred into your Professional Development line. Such funds may come from grants, etc. Please complete the form below to submit the information to the TA Dept. ASC. 

Professional Development Form

Reassigned Time

Complete the CAL Reassigned Time Acknowledgement and Request Form to submit all of the reassigned time that you will receive in this forthcoming academic year, regardless if it is funded by the department, college, or external sources outside the college or university. This is for our reporting purposes to the Provost and Chancellor's Office. All reassigned time requires approval from the Department Chair and College Dean.

The form is also available from the CAL website, selecting Faculty, then, Faculty Resources. For further directions, please refer to the Reassigned Time Acknowledgement Form Process Guide.

Release of Liability Form

Release of liability forms for cast & crew. 

Staff Forms