Angi Stone-MacDonald
Dr. Angi Stone-MacDonald earned her doctorate from Indiana University in Special Education and African Studies, where she studied the role of culturally relevant curriculum and cultural beliefs about disabilities in the experiences of children with developmental disabilities at a special school in Tanzania. Dr. Stone-MacDonald has worked with children and adults with disabilities for the last two decades as a paraprofessional, teacher, consultant, and researcher, and as a faculty member and associate dean at the University of Massachusetts, Boston in the College of Education and Human Development, before joining CSUSB in July 2022.
Ph.D. in Special Education, with minors in African Studies and Comparative and International Education, Indiana University
May 2010
M.S. in Special Education, Indiana University
May 2002
B.A. with Majors in Sociology and German, Grinnell College
May 2000
ESPE 6672 Birth to Three Methods for Early Childhood Special Education
ESPE 6673 Preschool through Kindergarten Methods in Early Childhood Special Education
Selected Recent Publications
(*=student author, # = community partner author)
Stone-MacDonald, A., Cihak, D., & Zager, D. (Eds). (in press). Autism Spectrum Disorders: Advancing Positive Practices in Education (5th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
Stone-MacDonald, A., Acar, S., Zeng, S., & *Pinar Irmak, O. (in press). Global Perspectives: Autism Education and Interventions in Low- and Middle-Income Nations. In Stone-MacDonald, A., Cihak, D., & Zager, D. (Eds.), Autism Spectrum Disorders: Advancing Positive Practices in Education (5th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
Zeng, S., Lee, Y., Guan, Y*., Volk, K*., Stone-MacDonald A. & O’Riordan, M*. (in press). Parental stress in raising a child with mental health and behavior problems. In Matson, J.L. (Eds). Handbook of clinical child psychology: Theory to practice (pp. XX-XX). Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Springer Nature.
Stone-MacDonald, A., Acar, S., *Price, Z., & *Pinar Irmak, O. (in press). Issues and Trends in Assessment in Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) for Diverse Populations. In Halder, S., Dada, S. & R. Banerjee (Eds.), Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Issues, Considerations, Strategies and Perspectives from Theory and Research Underpinnings. New York, NY: Routledge.
Stone-MacDonald, A., Wendell, K. B., Douglass, A. & Love, M., Lopes, A. (under contract). Engaging young engineers: Teaching problem-solving skills through STEM.(2nd Edition). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing.
Maye, M., Edmunds, S.E., Stone-MacDonald, A. & Carter, A. (2022). Preparation for adaptation of intensive early intervention for toddlers with ASD: Childcare providers’ perspectives on training approach. Early Childhood Education Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10643-022-01364-9
Zeng, S., Zhao, H., Hu, X., Pereira, B. A., Pan, Q., Meng, C., Reyes, A., & Stone-MacDonald, A. (2021). Systematic review of single case design meta-analyses for school-age students with autism spectrum disorders: Current trend and future direction. Psychology in the Schools, 1– 21. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.22599
Stone-MacDonald, A. & *Pinar Irmak, O. (2021). Inclusive Education and Cultural Relevance. In T. Falola & N. Hamel (Eds.), Disability in Africa: Inclusion, Care, and the Ethics of Humanity. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
Zeng, S., Zhao, H., Hu, X., Pereira, B. A., Pan, Q., Meng, C., Reyes, A., & Stone-MacDonald, A. (2021). Systematic review of single case design meta-analyses for school-age students with autism spectrum disorders: Current trend and future direction. Psychology in the Schools, 1– 21. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.22599
Stone-MacDonald, A. & *Pinar Irmak, O. (2021). Inclusive Education and Cultural Relevance. In T. Falola & N. Hamel (Eds.), Disability in Africa: Inclusion, Care, and the Ethics of Humanity. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
Stone-MacDonald, A., Pizzo, L., & #Feldman, N. (2018). Fidelity of Implementation of Assessment of Infants and Toddlers: Evaluating Developmental Milestones and Outcomes. New York, NY: Springer.
Research and Teaching Interests
Her areas of research include early intervention, young children with autism, international inclusive education, and educator preparation for early intervention and early childhood special education.