As part of our celebration of Womxn’s History Month, take a look back when Marmar Zakher, history major and Arabic language literature and culture major, was awarded the prestigious Provost Fellowship for Ph.D. studies in Comparative Literature at UC Davis.

History in the Making: A Journal of History has been awarded first place in the 2020 Gerald D. Nash History Graduate Journal competition, given by the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society.

The journal is an annual publication of the university’s Alpha Delta Nu Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society, and is sponsored by the CSUSB Department of History.

A dual major in history and Arabic language literature and culture, Zakher was awarded the prestigious Provost Fellowship for Ph.D. studies in Comparative Literature at UC Davis.

For the third time in four years, the History Club/Alpha Delta Nu Chapter at Cal State San Bernardino has been named the best chapter in the nation by the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society.

Four CSUSB students have been selected for the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship, a two-year program primarily for underrepresented students who intend to pursue a doctorate in the humanities.

A group of CSUSB students are the inaugural recipients of the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship, a two-year program that provides support to underrepresented students to pursue a doctorate in the humanities.