As we strive to move forward with in-person instruction and activities, it is important that each of us continue to do our part to protect the pack. 

All public health officials agree that the best way to protect one another is for everyone to choose to be vaccinated against COVID-19, unless advised by your physician. Our goal is to have everyone at CSUSB, regardless of vaccination status, complete the vaccination self-certification process no later than Monday, September 20, 2021. Proof of vaccination can now be uploaded through the MyCoyote portal under the Employee COVID-19 Vaccine Self-Certification or the Student COVID-19 Vaccine Self-Certification tiles. 

In order to keep our campus safe, please review and follow the protocols below to help stop the spread of COVID-19:

  • TESTING:  Those who are not fully vaccinated or do not submit their self-certification will be subject to weekly COVID testing.  CSUSB offers FREE confidential testing to all campus community members, regardless of vaccination status, at both the San Bernardino and Palm Desert campuses. Schedule an on-campus testing appointment online. Drop-in appointments are also available. 
  • REPORTING: Campus community members are required to inform the campus if they become aware of a positive COVID-19 case.  Report using the CSUSB COVID-19 Reporting Form.
  • HEALTH SCREENING: Anyone accessing campus facilities are required to complete the daily health screen. This is a short online Qualtrics questionnaire available in MyCoyote.
  • FACE COVERINGS: All members of the university community, regardless of vaccination status, are required to wear face coverings while indoors on campus. 
  • WASH HANDS: Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Thank you for keeping our university healthy. Additional information is available on the Return of the Pack website.