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Academic Affairs Space Committee

At the request of the Provost, the Academic Affairs Space Committee (AASC) was created and has established guidelines to help explain some of the processes surrounding space. The guidelines can also be found under the resources tab. The AASC will review the following:

The goal of the Academic Affairs space committee is to conduct the following:

  • Assess current space utilization
  • Discuss submitted space requests and/ or renovation of existing spaces.
  • Analyze current space and ensure other options have been explored.
  • Vote on proposals to recommend for Provost’s approval. Space requests approved by the Provost will be submitted to the university’s Space Planning Advisory Committee (SPAC). Renovation requests approved by the Provost will be submitted to Facilities Planning, Design and Construction (FPDC).
  • List of current Space committee members.

Visit the University Space Committee for more information.