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Watson College of Education Centers

The Watson College of Education at CSUSB is home to a variety of centers that serve the community and advance scholarship in the field of education. These centers provide specialized programs, resources, and research opportunities that complement the College's academic programs.


Cal State San Bernardino Reentry Initiative (CSRI)

CSRI works to address the challenges faced by formerly incarcerated individuals seeking to re-enter the workforce and continue their education.

Visit CSRI

Latino Education & Advocacy Days (LEAD)

LEAD is an annual event that brings together educators, policymakers, and community leaders to discuss and advocate for the success of Latino students.

Visit LEAD

University Center for Developmental Disabilities (UCDD)

The UCDD is a collaborative effort between the College of Education and other CSU San Bernardino departments that provides training, technical assistance, and research on issues related to developmental disabilities.

Visit UCDD

Watson & Associates Literacy Center (WALC)

The WALC offers programs and services to help adults and children improve their literacy skills. Funded by a generous grant from Watson and Associates, the Center offers interactive tutoring within carefully designed programs.

Visit WALC