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Program Overview

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

About the TESOL Option

The M. A. in Education, TESOL Option can be a one-, two-, or three-year program. Many classes are scheduled in the late afternoon and evening for the convenience of practicing teachers. Summer courses are available. 


Mission Statement

The M. A. in Education, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Option program has as its overall mission the improvement of the teaching of English to speakers of other languages, with respect for the integrity and maintenance of the diverse languages and cultures of the learners.  The vision of the program is to bring a renewed dedication and joy to English language teaching so that the world of the present and future sustains and nourishes the spirit of humanity.

Goals and Objectives

The M. A. in Education, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Option has the eight goals for its graduates, with 40 objectives. The courses EESL 5050 (Graduate Writing for TESOL), EESL 5200 (Language Studies for Educators), 5300 (Technology-Enhanced Language Learning), EESL 5500 (Speaking and Listening in TESOL), EESL 6300 (Cross-cultural Teaching), EESL 6400 (Literacy for TESOL), EESL 6600 (Structure/Function in English), EESL 6700 (Principles and Practices in TESOL), EESL 6800 (Research in TESOL), EESL 6900 (Fieldwork in TESOL), and EESL 6980 (Comprehensive Examination) are designed together to accomplish these goals and objectives:

Goal 1.   Demonstrate understanding of the structure of English; use it skillfully

Objective 1.1.   Demonstrate understanding of the structure of English, including linguistic features (phonology, morphology, and syntax/grammar); demonstrate ability to use English skillfully

Objective 1.2.   Demonstrate proficiency in written English to the point in which production is acceptable for graduate work, including use of APA citation format

Objective 1.3.   Deliver an effective oral presentation in English

Objective 1.4.   Acknowledge through personal experience a set of difficulties experienced by second language learners

Objective 1.5.   Implement course assignments in English using word processing and presentation software

Goal 2.   Appreciate the history and beauty of the English language

Objective 2.1.   Appreciate various aspects of the history, development, or usage of English

Objective 2.2. Appreciate various aspects of the history, development, or usage of a subculture variant, specialized vocabulary, or specific usage of English as content to enrich teaching

Goal 3.   Examine and apply best practices in educational psychology to promote learning English

Objective 3.1.  Survey various philosophies of teaching, learning, and language acquisition;  integrate behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, and social constructivist theories with teaching techniques, lesson planning, and assessment strategies designed to develop specific English language skills; connect language/learning theories to actual classroom practice

Objective 3.2.  Examine one's own learning process and attitudes towards teaching, learning, and language, integrating past and present teaching and learning experiences in the light of various learning theories that correspond with teaching styles and philosophies; examine one's own assumptions, values, and attitudes which stem from personal and cultural sources

Objective 3.3.  Understand cooperative learning and be able to plan lessons that establish a classroom climate of teamwork, cooperation, acceptance and security in an ESL/EFL class

Objective 3.4.  Demonstrate familiarity with currently accepted practices in classroom management

Goal 4.   Teach English skillfully, employing a variety of principle-based methods

Objective 4.1.  Develop an understanding of common grammatical problems ESL/EFL students encounter and determine ways to improve them

Objective 4.2.   Gain an understanding of fundamental concepts underlying teaching and learning in the field of second/foreign language acquisition and pedagogy including curricular standards and instructional design, and their implications for classroom teaching

Objective 4.3.  Survey and demonstrate pedagogies and strategies in the teaching of the component language skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing across the second/foreign language curriculum

Objective 4.4.  Survey key differences in the teaching of English as a second language (ESL) and English as a foreign language (EFL), including the role of the primary language, as well as the comparative teaching strengths of native- and nonnative-English-speaking teachers

Objective 4.5. Analyze principles of student assessment and testing (proficiency, achievement, performance and curricular-based assessment)

Objective 4.6.   Deploy a wide repertoire of techniques designed to stimulate students' thinking abilities during the learning of English, including the use of critical thinking and discussion skills, social action skills, and graphic organizers

Objective 4.7.  Deploy a wide repertoire of techniques designed to stimulate students' creative abilities during the learning of English, including art, music, poetry, storytelling, literature, role-play, drama, & games

Objective 4.8.   Use a personal computer as well as other common technological and instructional media for teaching English

Objective 4.9.  Connect and integrate various philosophies and theories of teaching, learning, and second-language acquisition (behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, and social constructivist) with teaching techniques

Objective 4.10. Be able to assess learner characteristics along a variety of dimensions, in order to apply appropriate methods in different situations for diverse learners.

Objective 4.11.  Educate students in ESL/EFL classes (grades K-12) at a designated level to increase proficiency in ESL/EFL by means of appropriate teaching methodology, learning theories, student-teacher interaction and mentoring, and accurate and valid assessment strategies across language domains; be able to develop effective lessons that include appropriate objectives, involvement of students, varied teaching strategies, means of accommodating student diversity within a range of activities, utilize valid assessment of objectives, and employ activities that establish a classroom climate of teamwork, cooperation, acceptance and security

Goal 5.   Select/develop successful programs and materials in ESL/EFL

Objective 5.1.  Assess the effectiveness of various types of instructional programs in ESL/EFL

Objective 5.2.  Develop innovative designs for instructional delivery in ESL/EFL

Objective 5.3.   Select or develop instructional materials, using technology where appropriate; make informed decisions on the choice of texts and professional resource materials based on a familiarity with a wide variety of offerings from the major ESL/EFL publishers

Goal 6.   Demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts concerning the relationship between language and culture and the importance of the native and target cultures in language learning

Objective 6.1.  Detail ways that a teacher can show an understanding the culture of the learner;

Objective 6.2.  Deploy culturally compatible teaching techniques that communicate respect and appreciation for the learner's primary language and native culture;

Objective 6.3.  Describe ways to motivate the learner to achieve a bicultural identity;

Objective 6.4.  Show evidence of acquiring a repertoire of techniques to teach English using the learner's culture as well as the target culture;

Objective 6.5.  Be able to compare the learner's culture to the English target culture using fundamentals of crosscultural communication patterns;

Objective 6.6.  Use intercultural communication to teach English.

Goal 7.   Use research in the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages to improve teaching and learning

Objective 7.1. Use library resources via the university computer access system to locate research resources

Objective 7.2.  Identify key contemporary strands of research within the field of TESOL, including second-language acquisition theory, discourse analysis, communicative competence and speech act theory, socio- and psycholinguistics, and English as an international language, and their implications for classroom teaching

Objective 7.3Evaluate TESOL research

Objective 7.4.  Design and/or participate in research projects that further the teaching of English

Goal 8.   Demonstrate professional participation, collegiality, and ethics in TESOL

Objective 8.1.  Be familiar with commonly accepted terminology in the field of TESOL.

Objective 8.2.  Be able to describe the professional roles of the TESOL educator in the classroom, school, community, and profession; consult with other colleagues and share ESL/EFL teaching expertise; act as a colleague in a cooperative role with paraprofessionals, parents and community aides in an ESL/EFL classroom; participate in professional development

Objective 8.3. Participate in teambuilding activities and service to the TESOL program and to the community at large such as crosscultural discussions, recruitment, peer coaching, service learning, and community language

Objective 8.4. Contribute time and expertise to TESOL professional organizations

Objective 8.5. Identify ethical issues in TESOL and prepare responses to common ethical dilemmas