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By Laws


Article I – Name

The name of the organization shall be The CSUSB Retirees Association.

Article II – Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be to secure and enhance the status, rights, privileges and welfare of the retired faculty and staff of California State University, San Bernardino, to provide a vehicle for communication with other retired faculty and staff, and to contribute to the mission of the university.

Article III – Membership

Section 1

Active membership: Any faculty, staff or Foundation employee who is retired from CSUSB or who is vested in CalPERS and is eligible to retire may become an active member upon payment of dues.

Section 2

Associate Membership: Spouses of active members or deceased retirees may become associate members without paying dues. Associate members are not eligible to vote or hold office.

Article IV – Executive Officers and Board of Directors

Section 1: Officers

The Officers of the organization shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. These offices, one director-at-large and the Director of Alumni Affairs, who shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member, shall make up the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall perform the duties prescribed in these bylaws.*

Section 2: President

It shall be the duty of the President to arrange and set agenda and to call to order and preside at all meetings. The President will appoint committees and coordinate all activities.

Section 3: Vice President

The Vice President shall act in the absence of the President and shall serve as program chair.

Section 4: Secretary

The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all of the meetings. The Secretary shall be responsible to see that minutes of the meetings of the Retirees Association are distributed to Board members one week before the next meeting.

Section 5: Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of dues and other funds, all of which shall be deposited with the CSUSB Foundation. Annually, the Treasurer will present to the Board of Directors a full statement of the financial status of the Association.

Section 6: Director-at-Large

The Director-at-Large may be elected or appointed. The Director-at-Large may be selected by the President to chair various committtees such as fundraising, event planning and community service. The Director-at-Large also serves to represent the interests of the general membership.

Section 8: Alumni Director

The Alumni Director shall maintain contact with the campus administration on behalf of the Board of Directors and shall be custodian of important documents. The Alumni Director shall provide support staff for the CSUSB Retirees Association.

Article V – Election and Terms of Office

Section 1

Election of Executive Board members will be held at the Annual Business Meeting. The Nominating Committee will consist of the President, serving as chair; and two other members appointed by the Board of Directors. All directors shall be elected by a majority of the voting members of the Association at its Annual Business Meeting. The Nominating Committee shall provide a slate of nominees and nominations from the floor shall be permitted with the consent of the member being nominated. The elected board members will then choose their executive officers at their next board meeting. Those officers will serve for one year.**

Section 2

All elected officers are limited to two consecutive terms in the same office. Each term will consist of two years. Officers shall serve staggered terms so that turnover of the Board of Directors does not exceed 50 percent of its membership in any one year.

Section 3

Vacancies occurring between annual meetings shall be filled by the Board of Directors upon recommendation of the President, with such appointees serving until the expiration of the term being filled.

Section 4

The President, with the Board of Directors, shall appoint all standing committees and special committees as deemed necessary.

Article VI – Meetings

Section 1 – Annual Business Meeting

The Annual Business Meeting shall be held each spring for the purpose of conducting official business with the general membership. The Board of Directors shall set the place, date and time for all meetings.

Section 2 – Notification of Meetings

Notice of each Annual Business Meeting shall be distributed to each member at least two weeks in advance of the specific date.

Section 3 – Board of Directors Meetings

The Board of Directors meetings shall be as often as deemed necessary by the President.

Section 4 – Quorum***

A minimum of 3 members of the executive board must be present to achieve a quorum for directors’ meetings and the Annual Business Meeting.

Article VII – Dues

Membership dues shall be proposed by the Board of Directors and ratified by a majority of members attending the Annual Business Meeting.

Article VIII – Ratification and Amendment of the Bylaws

Section 1: Ratification

The Bylaws shall be distributed to the membership at least two weeks prior to the deadline for voting. Ratification requires the approval of a majority of members voting at the Annual Business Meeting.

Section 2: Amendments

Proposed amendments to these bylaws may be presented to the membership by (1) majority vote of the Board of Directors or by (2) a petition submitted to the Secretary for presentation to the members, such petition to be signed by at least 10 percent of the active members. The Secretary must distribute proposed amendments to all members at least two weeks before being acted upon. Distribution of proposed amendments are to be made by mail or email delivered to the last known address. Amendments shall be adopted if approved by a majority of those voting at the Annual Business Meeting.

By laws amended and ratified at the Annual Business Meeting on May 25, 2017