Nick Moon
Dr. Nicholas (Nick) Moon is an Assistant Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology at California State University. He received both his MS and PhD degrees from Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, FL. His research interests include self-regulation, technology at work, and assessment development. His applied expertise includes assessment development, job analyses, and validation studies for personnel selection. Dr. Moon teaches classes in I-O psychology, specifically industrial psychology, talent acquisition, statistics, psychological testing, and practicum in applied psychology. He has published in journals, such as Journal of Business and Psychology, Applied Psychology: An International Review, Journal of Research in Personality, Journal of Individual Differences, and Personnel Review.
Ph.D. Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Florida Institute of Technology
M.S. Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Florida Institute of Technology
B.S. Psychology, Georgia College & State University
PSYC3355 - Industrial Psychology
PSYC3377 - Test & Measurements
PSYC6641 - Analysis of Variance
PSYC6644 - Applied Psychological Measurement
PSYC6603 - Talent Acquisition and Legal Issues
PSYC6675 - Practicum in Applied Psychology
Research and Teaching Interests
Research Interests:
Self-regulation at Work, Technology at Work, and Assessment
Teaching Interests:
Industrial Psychology, Talent Acquisition and Selection, Psychometrics