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Jessica Vierra

Jessica Vierra

Communication Studies Lecturer



Jessica Vierra is currently a full-time employee in the Office of Strategic Communication and a Part-Time Lecturer in interpersonal, intercultural, and public relations studies at California State University, San Bernardino and Norco College. She is a recipient of the President's Outstanding Award in 2023 and the Best Graduate Teaching Associate award in 2018.

During her duration at CSUSB, she has worked on preparing and presenting over 10 academic scholarly peer-reviewed papers nationally and internationally. Jessica Vierra is a Co-founder with Dr. Jessica Nerren of CoyotePR, the student-run PR agency on campus. In that role, she helped lead a team of students to win the PRSA Inland Empire Polaris Capella Award for excellence in PR tactics in 2019. In this role, she mentored students to work directly with non-profits providing free marketing to our local community. 

For more than five years, outside of the CSUSB community, Ms. Vierra worked as a public relations, marketing, photography, and videography professional including as the president of her own public relations firm, Ivy Communications Inc. In this capacity, she served as PR and Marketing Director for multiple non-profits within the Inland Empire.


M.A. Communication Studies, CSU San Bernardino, 2019. 

B.A. Philosophy, CSU San Bernardino, 2017.

B.A. Communication Studies, CSU San Bernardino, 2017.


Comm 243D Public Relations Practicum Coyote PR

Comm 344    Public Relations Writing

Comm 4491  Advanced Practicum in Strategic Communication: CoyotePR

Comm 5311   Fundamentals of Social Media Mgmt.

Interpersonal Communication

Public Speaking


Research and Teaching Interests

Interpersonal communication, intercultural communication, journalism, and public relations. 


Publications and Select Scholarly/Creative Work:

Chapter Author. Vierra, J. H. (2022) Chapter 10. Why Can’t I Follow My Dreams?: Inclusion of an Ability-Driven Individual. Book:  Rethinking Perception and Centering the Voices of Unique Individuals: Reframing Autism Inclusion in Praxis.

Author. Vierra, J. H. (2019, September) To be or not to be: An Exploratory Study of Intercultural Differences in Mexican American and Caucasian American Romantic Relationships

Co-Author. Nerren, J. and Vierra, J. (2020) Combining Pedagogy and Modern Technology into the Public Relations Classroom: Arousal Theory as a Roadmap for Student Success. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 2(20).

Co-Author. Nerren, J. and Vierra, J. (2019) Adapting Modern Technology into the Public Relations Classroom: Analysis of Pedagogy. IAFOR Conference Proceedings

Book Editor. Vierra, J. H. (2022). Rethinking Perception and Centering the Voices of Unique Individuals: Reframing Autism Inclusion in Praxis. IGI Global Publishing.

Senior Reviewer. Vierra, J. H. (2022). Journal of Education, IAFOR.