Jason Burke
Assistant Professor since 2018
Salk Institute for Biological Studies, HHMI Postdoc Fellow 2013-2018
University of California Santa Cruz, PhD Chemistry 2012
National Cancer Institute, CRTA Postbac Fellow 2004-2006
University of Oregon, BS Biochemistry 2004
CHEM 4100 Biochemistry I
CHEM 4200 Biochemistry II
CHEM 4100L Biochemistry I Laboratory
CHEM 4200L Biochemistry II Laboratory
CHEM 5700 Biochemistry III CUREs Laboratory
CHEM 5800 Biochemistry Seminar
CHEM 5002 Topics in Chemistry: Protein Evolution
CHEM 2070L Fundamentals of General, Organic and Biochemistry Lab
Research and Teaching Interests
The Burke lab uses techniques in structural biology, enzymology and biochemistry to answer fundamental questions about protein structure-function relationships as they relate to protein evolution and disease.