Dashboard Resources
Institutional data authorized consumers are expected to use data in a legal, ethical and responsible manner that is consistent with CSU and CSUSB applicable policies, standards and procedures, as well as with applicable state and federal legal requirements.
Safeguarding Confidential Information Standard
Per FERPA guidelines, the use of any personal identifiable information, in particular individual student level data, is intended for authorized users who have a “legitimate educational interest” in performing their daily duties and responsibilities. As such, student level data are not to be used for research purposes, or to be shared with any external entity, without proper authorization.
Official Campus Dashboards
Intended Audience:
CSUSB Faculty & Staff : All user access levels
Acceptable Use:
Official Reporting for Internal Users
Update Cycle:
Interactive reports and dashboards based on official data snapshots provided to the Chancellor's Office
Operational Dashboards
Intended Audience:
CSUSB Faculty & Staff : All user access levels
Acceptable Use:
Unofficial Reporting for Internal Users
Update Cycle:
Interactive reports and dashboards about students, course enrollments and grades
Active Students by Concentration
Student Level Dashboards
Intended Audience:
CSUSB Faculty & Staff with PeopleSoft student record access
Acceptable Use:
Targeted initiatives, advising, and outreach
Update Cycle:
Interactive reports and dashboards presenting student level data
Self-Study Survey Dashboards
Intended Audience:
CSUSB Faculty & Staff: All user access levels
Acceptable Use:
Program evaluation & assessment
Update Cycle:
Interactive reports and dashboards highlighting student study habits, engagement, sense of belonging, program satisfaction, etc.