Aliyshah Shamburger, a senior nursing student, was among the inaugural group of scholars recognized for demonstrating leadership in increasing equitable access to higher education and undertaking community service that promotes anti-racism work and culture change to elevate Black excellence.

Daniel MacDonald (economics), Beth Steffel (art), Tony Coulson (cybersecurity) and Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences) were included in recent news coverage.

Joseph I. Castro, the first Mexican American appointed Chancellor of the California State University will virtually visit CSUSB on Wednesday, March 3.

The California State University, including a CSUSB delegation led by university President Tomás D. Morales, is meeting virtually this week with state legislators to discuss issues affecting the 23-campus university.

The California State University, which includes CSUSB, has announced that it is planning for an anticipated return to delivering courses primarily in-person starting with the fall 2021 term.

The California State University will host a livestream interview with Joseph Castro, the newly appointed chancellor of the California State University.

Super Sunday is part of the CSU African American Initiative, which seeks to increase the college preparation, enrollment and graduation rates of African American students.

CSUSB President Tomás D. Morales encourages students and their parents to begin early to prepare for college during annual CSU Super Sunday presentation.

CSUSB may be one of the campuses “that simply has so much more opportunity, and more challenges, and importance because of the way California is evolving in the next 10, 15, 20 years,” said Timothy P. White, CSU chancellor.