Johanna Smith (theatre arts) will present “Puppets in the Mara” this weekend at CSUSB, Megan Carroll (sociology) was interviewed about new research on asexuality, Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences) discussed the state of the region’s economy, and various news media interviewed Brian Levin (criminal justice, emeritus) on topics related to the latest hate crime statistics.
CSUSB Department of Theatre Arts presents “Puppets in the Mara,” which includes a retelling of “The Legend of Ngong The Giant,” a Maasai Tale, by Neil McLeod and Sue Hooper-Lawrie, adapted by Johanna Smith, CSUSB professor of theatre arts.
Johanna Smith’s book has been selected for the Nancy Straub Award for Excellence in Publication on the Art of Puppetry, which honors works that are exemplary contributions that forward the field of puppetry.