Michael Karp (history) is the coordinator of the annual Academic WorldQuest competition at the Palm Desert Campus, and Riguad Joseph (social work) co-wrote a paper that “explored whether license-holding mental health professionals exhibit comfort/discomfort in addressing religion and spirituality (RS) in practice.”

Lúa López (biology) discussed her DNA research, Rigaud Joseph (social work) shared advice on considering online Master of Social Work programs, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was interviewed for an article on anti-Semitic comments by Kanye West.

Codi Lazar (geological science), Riguad Joseph (social work), Brian Levin (criminal justice), David Yaghoubian (history), Stuart Sumida (biology), Fadi Muheidat (computer sciences), Kristi Papailler (theatre arts) and Wagner Prado (kinesiology) were mentioned in recent news coverage.

Tony Coulson (information and decision sciences) discussed cyberwarfare and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Riguad Joseph (sociology) was interviewed about the challenges of solving homelessness, and Nicholas Bratcher (music) was named director of San Bernardino Symphony Youth Wind Ensemble.