Ryan Keating (history) was interviewed on the Addressing Gettysburg podcast and delivered the Gabor Borrit Address at the 2024 Civil War Institute Summer Conference at Gettysburg College, Brian Levin (criminal justice, emeritus), discussed the increase in hate crimes against the Muslim community, and Lorraine Hedtke (special education rehabilitation and counseling) will lead a workshop at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Aug. 31-Sept. 1.

Abbas “Bobby” Quamar's personal and professional story, punctuated by personal challenges and triumphs, not only reflects his own resilience but also embodies his commitment to making a positive impact in the field of rehabilitation.

A panel of CSUSB faculty members from a cross section of academic disciplines will share their insights and perspectives on ChatGPT and its implications for instruction, research and writing.

Out of 250 applicants and as part of the California Pre-Doctoral Program, CSUSB students Nora Nickoel Bianey Ortega and Shane Burrell are among the 77 Sally Casanova California Pre-Doctoral Scholars for 2020-21.

Kelly Campbell (psychology), John Winslade (special education, rehabilitation and counseling) and James Estes (finance) share their expertise with various online news sites.

The College of Education at Cal State San Bernardino held an open house on April 25 to celebrate 10 years since it moved into its building on campus.