Kaitlyn Creasy (philosophy) was awarded a American Association of University Women fellowship, and David Yaghoubian (history) was interviewed for a news program on the 1988 downing of an Iran Air passenger plane by a U.S. Navy ship.

Kaitlyn Creasy (philosophy) was awarded a American Association of University Women fellowship, Anthony Silard (public administration) wrote the third installment of his series on “When You Want to Be Closer Than They Do,” David Yaghoubian (history) discussed Iran’s call for a formal U.S. apology over the downing of an Iran Air passenger plane in 1988, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) commented on politicians who equate the Holocaust with their anti-vaccine stance.

Kaitlyn Creasy, assistant professor of philosophy, has been selected for the American Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowship from the American Association of University Women, where she will research stubborn social emotions and their harms.

Enrique Murillo Jr. (education), Kaitlyn Creasy (philosophy), Tony Coulson (cybersecurity), Brian Levin (criminal justice) and Anthony Silard (public administration) were included in news coverage over the winter break.

CSUSB alumna Paulette Brown-Hinds, as well as faculty, staff and programs from the university are featured in the fall 2020 edition of CSUniverse, a digest of highlights from the CSU’s 23 campuses.

Kaitlyn Creasy (philosophy) was interviewed for an article about how the pandemic and the election are affecting people’s optimism, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was interviewed about the potential for violence by extremists related to the election.

Vincent Nestler (cybersecurity), Mike Chao and Bree Putman (biology), Kaitlyn Creasy (philosophy), Larry Hygh (communication studies) and Mildred D. Henry (education, emerita) were included in recent news coverage.