Three university-wide awards — Distinguished Alumnus, Emerging Leader and Coyote Spirit — will be presented, as well as the Paw Print Awards, which honor esteemed alumni from each of the university’s five colleges.

As coordinator, Yongseok Jang, associate professor of management, is responsible for coordinating the staffing, academic advising, and curriculum management of the program.

Francisca Beer (accounting and finance), Stuart Sumida (biology), Vipin Gupta and Karen Castillo (management) and David Ready (public administration, adjunct) were quoted by reporters in recent news coverage.

Carolyn McAllister (social work) was interviewed for a segment about a grant that will enable the School of Social Work to expand the MSW program to the Palm Desert Campus, Diana K. Johnson (history and ethnic studies) published an article on the multiracial politics of the Mexican American diaspora in the Pacific Northwest in the 1970s, Zhonghui "Hugo" Wang (management) published an article on the impact of a founding family in corporate governance.

Robin Phillips’ hiring confirms President Morales’ commitment to expand the role and visibility of human resources on campus and recognizing its prominence in the successful operations of the university.

Todd Johnson (music), Diane Vines (nursing), Kate Liszka (history), Breena Coates (management) and Vipin Gupta (management) were included in recent news coverage.

Vipin Gupta (management) was interviewed about how India can enhance the role of the international organizations in her social, human, ecological, economic, national, and psychological development.

Tony Coulson (information and decision sciences), Breanna Putman (biology), Brian Levin (criminal justice), Angela Clark-Louque (education) and Vipin Gupta (management) were included in recent news coverage in areas of their expertise.

Paloma E. Villegas (sociology), Megan Carol (sociology), Bronson Lim (mathematics), Vipin Gupta (management), Connie McReynolds (education) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) recently shared their expertise in various news media outlets.