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Mental Health and Policing Panel Presentation

Mental Health and Policing Panel Presentation

February 9, 2022
12:00pm - 1:15pm
Zoom webinar link here:

The Mental Health and Policing Panel Presentation will overview the intersection of mental health, policing and race and feature panelists that train and intervene in police/mental health crisis situations, a mental health consumer advocate, and therapists and CSUSB faculty.

Panelists will include Nicole Arkadie, MSW, Ed D, LCSW, PPSC; Riba Eshanzada, MSW, ACSW; Carolyn McAllister, MSW, Phd., Professor, CSUSB School of Social Work; Hattie P McNutt, LMFT, M.A., Counselor Faculty, CSUSB Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS); Tiffany Ross, LCSW, Riverside University Health System- Behavioral Health, Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) Program and Community Behavioral Assessment Team (CBAT) Supervisor.; Troy Mondragon, MSW, CEO and Founder Mental Health Insights, LLC; Laurie Smith, MSW, Phd., Professor, CSUSB School of Social Work.

Event Flyer Here: CoRP56.pdf

Zoom webinar link here:

Series organizers: Dr. Mary Texeira (Sociology), Robie Madrigal (Pfau Library), Dr. Jeremy Murray (History), Stan Futch (President, WAG), and CSUSB students Marlo Brooks, Zoralynn Oglesby, Jade McDonald, Jaime Castro, Connie Cornejo, and Evelyn Jimenez. Click here to view previous panels in the Conversations on Race and Policing series.

Series Home Page

<a href=";showinfo=0">Watch Policing and Mental Health YouTube Video</a>