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Data Analytics Working Group

About the Data Analytics Working Group

The Data Analytics Working Group at California State University San Bernardino aims to be a hub for data analytics information and resources for the campus and the community. Its goal is to develop, share, and distribute data analytics skills. The vision is to foster a data-empowered community working within a culture of open science, leveraging expertise across a variety of disciplines including Business, Statistics, and Computer Science.

Meet to Analyze Data!

Do you have data and questions on where to start with your data analysis? Do you have programming questions? Just want to network, socialize and dedicate time to working on that project with a due date approaching? Join this group during working hours and engage with your faculty and peers in a welcoming, inclusive and supportive environment.

This is not only fun and rewarding, it keeps the community going and, more broadly, it helps to resolve the scarcity of expertise in data analytics.

Participation is open to everyone. Students, staff, and faculty are invited to join our Data Analytics Working Group sessions. Bring your computer, projects, and questions to this open working environment. 

If you are interested in being part of this group and have your name listed in the schedule please contact us.


For now, due to Covid, sessions will mostly be held on zoom.

Working Hours Schedule

The following is a schedule of open working hours sessions. Join and learn various data analytics skills!

<a href="">View Schedule</a>


Zoom Links for Working Hours Sessions

Following, room locations for in person hours, and Zoom links for virtual hours. Select the person's name to connect to the Zoom Working Hours Sessions.

<a href=";single=true&amp;widget=true&amp;headers=false">View Zoom Rooms</a>

