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Accounting Services FAQ

Can I submit a Request for Invoice (RFI) to bill another campus department for services?

RFI are not used to bill between campus departments; a Request for Chargeback should be submitted.

RFI are used to bill auxiliaries (including ASI, SMSU, UEC, PHL), individuals, outside organizations and vendors.

All invoicing for payments to be received by CSUSB, must be processed through General Accounting.

What is the difference between a Transfer of Expense and a Chargeback?

Transfer of Expense (Journal Entry Request) should be used to correct an expense charged to an incorrect chartfield string; to distribute expenses charged to one chartfield string that are being split funded/shared between funds or departments; to process reimbursement of expenses already incurred.

A Chargeback should be used to record the transaction between campus departments for goods/services provided. One department is being charged for the product or services provided by another campus department.

Can I Transfer Budget between my Trust Fund and my General Fund?

Can I Transfer Budget between my Trust Fund and my General Fund?

No, Trust Funds do not have budget (with the exception of certain funds including Lottery and IRP).

Can I use my trust fund to buy 'something out of the ordinary'?

Can I use my trust fund to buy 'something out of the ordinary'?

Trust funds are monitored according to the source and use of funds approved on the Trust Fund Information Fact Sheet provided at the time the fund was established. The information on file should be updated on a regular basis to ensure accuracy and avoid any delays in processing requests.

The Petty Cash/Change Fund custodian in our department is no longer responsible for this task, what needs to be done?

The Petty Cash/Change Fund custodian in our department is no longer responsible for this task, what needs to be done?

The Petty Cash/Change Fund must be closed out by re-depositing the funds at the cashiering office (Student Financial Services). Transfer of funds to a successor is not authorized.  If a successor is to be furnished a petty cash/change fund, a new request is required.

What account do I use to deposit money into my trust fund?

What account do I use to deposit money into my trust fund?

A complete chartfield string to be used for deposits made to trust funds will consist of a revenue account beginning with the number 5xxxxx, and the trust fund, with the associated department id. A class code may also be included
if applicable. Example:  543210 SX025 D0200
There are many (5xxxxx) revenue accounts available, although there are restrictions that may prevent certain accounts being used with certain funds based on established guidelines. If you are unsure of a particular
account in question, please contact General Accounting for more information