Students satisfy the writing requirements by completing:
Two Writing Intensive (WI) designated courses in the GE program, at least one at the upper division level (required to satisfy GWAR).
Students may substitute 1 writing intensive course outside of GE (major, minor, or elective) to satisfy 1 WI course.
NOTE: Writing Intensive courses must not only be certified to receive the WI designation, but also instructors should have professional development in best practices in promoting advancing literacies. Such courses should intentionally build upon the critical reading and writing practices initiated in the foundational A1 writing courses, and incorporate guided writing assignments into the curriculum. A central feature of a WI intensive course is that the instructor provides pedagogical attention and support for the writing (and research) assigned.
To meet the definition of Writing Intensive, a course must satisfy the following requirements:
Writing is comprehensively integrated into the course and tied to course objectives and learning outcomes.
Writing comprises a significant part of the course work and reflects genres and writing activities appropriate to the course and discipline.
Writing is explained and supported in the course: students are engaged in explicit discussions of the relevance of writing to the course and/or discipline, provided guidance in meeting genre and style expectations, and offered opportunities to assert their agency within those terms.
Writing assignments are scaffolded. Writing and thinking activities are designed to support one another and to feed one another throughout the course.
Writing is supported by feedback and opportunities for revision. Instructors provide meaningful feedback on writing assignments and incorporate systematic opportunities for writers to work with that feedback.
To learn more about the Writing Intensive Program at CSUSB contact Writing Intensive Program Coordinator, Dr. Thomas Girshin (