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California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

October 11, 2017

California Forward spoke to Carolyn Eggleston, the program administrator for the Cal State Reentry Initiative and professor of special education, rehabilitation and counseling, about the CSRI’s work.

Community-based Art initiative
October 31, 2017

The contract’s funding of more than $1.6 million will allow CBA to significantly increase its programming inside California state prisons, expanding its partnerships with other CSU campuses and growing jobs in the region.

CSUSB professor and Prison Arts Collective program recognized at California State Capitol
January 24, 2019

The Prison Arts Collective CSUSB and the Hope and Redemption Team of the Anti-Recidivism Coalition were recognized on Jan. 22 by state Sen. Jim Beall for a PAC exhibition on display at the state Capitol in Sacramento.