Highlighted in various media is the work of Daisy Ocampo Diaz (history), Sishi Wu (criminal justice), Lisa Looney (child development), Yunfei Hou (computer science and engineering), Miranda McIntyre (psychology), Jesus Herrera (information and decision science), Hani Aldirawi (mathematics), Montgomery Van Wart (public administration), Eric Vogelsang (sociology), Jacob D. Jones (psychology) and Fabian A. Borges (political science).

In the study, “Another Civil War in America? Comparing the Social Psychology of the United States of the 1850s to Today,” authors Montgomery Van Wart, Cary M. Barber and Miranda McIntyre of Cal State San Bernardino, and Jeremy L. Hall of the University of Central Florida, examined the much-discussed idea of a second civil war.

Make that more than 10,000 Google Scholar citations for Monty Van Wart, CSUSB professor of public administration.

“I’m overwhelmed and humbled,” said Manijeh Badiee, professor of psychology. “This is the one award that means so much to me. I love teaching. I love our students. They’re why I do what I do.”

Montgomery Van Wart (public administration), Cary Barber (history) and Miranda McIntyre (psychology) collaborated on a study that examined the likelihood of another U.S. civil war; Jim Estes (finance) offered tips on how to select the least expensive auto liability insurance; Brian Levin (criminal justice, emeritus) was interviewed by news media about incidents of antisemitism, racism and bias against the LGBTQ community; and Barbara Flores (education, emeritus) commented on a state Assembly bill that would mandate that reading instruction be aligned with the “science of reading.”

Montgomery van Wart (public administration), Miranda McIntyre (psychology), José Muñoz (sociology), and Richard Sinacola (psychology) were recently published, and Yolonda Youngs (geography and environmental studies), Meredith Conroy (political science), and Brian Levin (criminal justice) were included in recent news coverage.

News of Montgomery Van Wart (public administration) being named the 2022-23 Outstanding Professor and the work of Brian Levin (criminal justice) through the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism was included in recent news coverage, and research by Nerea Marteache (criminal justice) on the illicit removal of downed redwood trees from a state park was recently published.

Montgomery Van Wart (public administration), Jacob Jones (psychology), Yawen Li, (social work), Zachary Powell (criminal justice) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) were included in recent news coverage.

Montgomery ‘Monty’ Van Wart was recognized for his enduring excellence in teaching, research, scholarly activities and service to CSUSB’s students, the university and the community.