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CSUSB professor discusses how to combat loneliness when you live alone (in Spanish)

La Opinión

April 1, 2020

Kelly Campbell, a professor of psychology at California State University, San Bernardino, recommended for Architectural Digest to focus on the positives of being alone, such as finding time for self-care, reflection, and hobbies. She prioritizes in-person relationships and advises an “active” use of social networks to keep in touch with friends.

“For some people it can be a quick fix, and for others it can be a lifelong trait,” she says. “Loneliness can come and go depending on what is happening in a person’s life, but if loneliness persists for years, then a long-term approach is needed.”

Read the whole article at "Cómo combatir la soledad cuando vives solo."

CSUSB professor comments on local Purchasing Manger’s Index

Inland News Today

April 1, 2020

Local purchasing managers have put the first spin on the region’s economy since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ninety-six percent predict a weakening local economy in the next three months.
Four of the key indicators in the PMI (the Production, New Orders, Inventory, and Employment Indices) have dropped significantly. The Production Index is at the second lowest figure since the local PMI was debuted in 1995 by the Institute of Applied Research (IAR) at Cal State San Bernardino.
The decline was the steepest for a single month since December 2015. “The only time the index has registered consistently below this month was during the recessionary period from late 2007 to 2009,” said Barbara Sirotnik, IAR director and CSUSB professor of information and decision studies.

Read the whole article at "Local Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) takes a hit."

Associate professor posts YouTube videos of daughter explaining the coronavirus (video)

KDFX (FOX) – Newchannel 3 on Fox 11

April 2, 2020

Nicole Dabbs, CSUSB associate professor of kinesiology, is using an innovative way to explain the coronavirus to the public. In an attempt to keep her daughter Ashton Lily busy, they have been posting YouTube videos about hand washing, exercising and flattening the curve.

Watch the segment here:

Professor of finance offers advice to students with bad credit


April 2, 2020

James Estes, CSUSB professor of finance, was featured in WalletHub’s piece about credit cards for students with bad credit. Estes gives advice on what students should do if they have bad credit, and recommends they use a debit card or secured credit card to avoid any issues in their spending that got them into trouble in the first place.

Read the whole article at "Credit Cards for Students with Bad Credit."

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