Joe Gutierrez Office of Strategic Communication (909) 537-5007

Cal State San Bernardino has been listed in College Factual’s 2019 Best Criminal Justice & Corrections Colleges in the U.S. ranking. CSUSB was ranked No. 174 out of 415 colleges across the nation.
“We are extremely pleased to be recognized,” said Larry Gaines, chair of the Department of Criminal Justice in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. “The faculty strive to provide our students with an education that prepares them to make a contribution to society and the criminal justice profession. We try to provide them with the tools to make a difference.”
“Around 66,151 students graduate with a major in Criminal Justice & Corrections per year,” the College Factual website says. “This means it is a reasonably popular choice for students, earning it a ranking of 6th most popular out of all 384 college majors evaluated.”
College Factual also listed CSUSB at No. 39 out of 135 schools nationwide for the Best Online Criminal Justice & Corrections Colleges ranking.
Rankings by College Factual are based on average earnings of graduates, major focus – percentage of students at the college studying that major, accreditation, and overall college quality.
“Our ranking is based on more bachelor’s data and includes a lot of metrics that are outcomes based (i.e. can these students actually make a living after graduation?),” the College Factual website says. “We believe this makes our rankings stronger in many areas. One of our strengths is that we can rank many more colleges, and many more majors, than your typical ranking site.”
College Factual also listed CSUSB in several other categories, including:
- No. 112 out of 387 for the Best Criminal Justice & Corrections Colleges for the Money;
- No. 135 out of 417 for the Best Criminal Justice & Corrections Schools for Veterans;
- No. 266 out of 419 for the Highest Paid Criminal Justice & Corrections Graduates in; 2019;
- No. 114 out of 358 for the Best Criminal Justice & Corrections Schools for Non-Traditional Students;
- No. 42 out of 1,084 for the 2019 Most Popular Criminal Justice & Corrections Schools; and
- No. 27 out of 343 for the 2019 Most Popular Online Criminal Justice & Corrections Schools.
To view all these listings and the methodologies for each, visit the College Factual website.
For more information on Cal State San Bernardino, contact the university’s Office of Strategic Communication at (909) 537-5007 and visit