Anthony Roberson of Cal State San Bernardino’s Santos Manuel Student Union is the recipient of the Association of College Unions International’s highest honors, the Revis A. Cox Memorial Award, given to members committed to multicultural education in the field of college unions and student activities.

“We are so excited for Anthony,” said Brian Haynes, vice president for the CSUSB Division of Student Affairs. “Anthony personifies what the Revis A. Cox award represents in student services.”

Roberson, who is the facilities coordinator for the student union, was honored at the ACUI’s annual conference in Philadelphia on today, Tuesday, March 21.

“I am truly humbled to receive the Revis A. Cox Award.” Roberson said. “Every day I strive to make sure students’ voices are heard and valued. I do not do this work for accolades or even awards. I have a passion to help students excel and achieve their goals while they attend California State University, San Bernardino. It truly brings me joy to have the best job in the world working with incredible minded students, which drives me to provide inclusive and safe places for students to engage and achieve all the necessary resources we provide in the SMSU.”

Aaron Burgess, the Santos Manuel Student Union executive director, praised Roberson.

“I am extremely proud to have Anthony as a colleague. His dedication to the success of our students has always been one of his top priority,” Burgess said. “The Santos Manuel Student Union, as well as CSUSB, is a better place because of his amazing contributions to higher education. It is only fitting that Anthony receives the prestigious Revis A. Cox Memorial Award.”

Roberson, who joined CSUSB in 2007, previously served as interim scheduling coordinator and maintenance custodian, is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in career and technical studies at CSUSB. He has also served as adviser the Student African Brotherhood, is chair of the Black Faculty, Staff and Students Association annual Pioneer Breakfast, and serves on a number of CSUSB campus committees.

The Revis A. Cox Memorial Award was established as a lasting tribute to Revis Cox and his contributions, commitment, creativity, and relentless support of multicultural education. Through his leadership, he was able to touch both students and staff, not only on his own campus, but also within ACUI. The award recognizes ACUI members committed to multicultural education in the field of college unions and student activities.

Revis A. Cox, the late director of student activities at Virginia Commonwealth University, was an extremely active member of ACUI. He served as a member of the regional conference and steering committees as well as a presenter at the regional and international levels. His most important contribution was his work with the Community of Practice for Multi-Ethnic Professional and Allies (COMP), formerly the Committee on Minority Programs. Cox was instrumental in coordinating and chairing the For People of Color: Strategies for Success seminars as well as other COMP-sponsored programs.

Founded in 1914, ACUI is a nonprofit educational organization that brings together college union and student activities professionals from hundreds of schools in seven countries. The association strives to provide an inclusive, welcoming community for all those who choose to belong.