NOTE: Faculty, if you are interviewed and quoted by news media, or if your work has been cited, and you have an online link to the article or video, please let us know. Contact us at news@csusb.edu.
Studies by CSUSB’s Institute of Applied Research cited by local news media
Most residents believe San Bernardino County is good place to live, CSUSB survey says Fontana Herald NewsSept. 28, 2017
San Bernardino County is a good place to live, according to a majority of residents, who also think the county's economy is improving. However, crime continues to be a worry, residents said.
Those were some of the findings in the 2017 Inland Empire Annual Survey, a telephone survey of 1,222 residents randomly selected within San Bernardino County and conducted by the Institute of Applied Research and Policy Analysis at Cal State San Bernardino.
The institute analyzes public opinion in San Bernardino County relative to the economy, crime, ratings of the county as a place to live, private and public services, commuting, and confidence in elected officials, said institute director Barbara Sirotnik, a professor of statistics and supply chain management at the college.
The complete article can be read at “Most residents believe San Bernardino County is good place to live, survey says.”
And since the annual survey was also cited in this editorial by The Sun, along with another IAR report, we’re including it here:
IE optimism is growing, but unevenlyThe SunSept. 28, 2017
Recent reports from the Institute of Applied Research at California State University, San Bernardino indicate that perceptions of the Inland economy and quality of life have continued to improve in recent years.
According to the latest monthly Inland Empire Report on Business, continued economic growth in the region, as reflected by the Purchasing Managers’ Index, has been matched with persistently greater optimism among purchasing managers about the state of the local economy.
The entire editorial can be read on The Sun’s website.
CSUSB professor comments on internal conflict, splintering between alt-right groups Talking Points MemoSept. 29, 2017
The racist far-right has been flailing since descending on Charlottesville, Virginia, in August for a rally that participants deemed a success for its huge turnout—until it turned deadly. Groups plan events and then cancel them in rapid succession, and people point fingers on Twitter at who they perceive to be leading the movement astray. An event intended to “Unite the Right” ended up doing the exact opposite.
“In this extremism world, and I’ve been doing this for over three decades, there have always been these internecine battles that take place, and jealousies, and personalities,” said Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino.
But Levin said he believes there is a real splintering now, as many groups that showed up to Charlottesville—and even some that didn’t—set about dissociating themselves from the event and its violence.
The complete article can be read at “Far-right groups are struggling to pull off any events in wake of Charlottesville.”
These news clips, and others, may be found at “In the Headlines” on the Inside CSUSB website.