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CSUSB psychology professor Kelly Campbell among experts discussing goal-setting for new yearMyDomaineJan. 1, 2018Kelly Campbell, a CSUSB psychology professor, was one of the experts the lifestyle website interviewed for an article on setting new, attainable goals for the new year.“It’s okay to have long-term and/or abstract goals, but you’ll want to identify what you can work on in the year ahead to move you closer to achieving loftier goals.”Do this by making sure your goals have concrete and measurable outcomes to track your progress. For example, if you want to paint your house, set the date for researching paint companies, then a date for gathering quotes, and so on until you have the painters knocking at your door. Think of each goal as a baby step, taking note of each progress you make, says Campbell. “Don’t set yourself up for failure by making those steps too difficult.”Read the complete article at “Here's what you need to set (and achieve) your New Year's goals.”
Brian Levin, director of CSUSB’s Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, featured by newspaperThe Desert SunDec. 22, 2018  Brian Levin has been studying hate crimes for about 30 years, and while the social and political landscape has morphed in the past decades, the research methods of scholars like Levin have been firmly grounded in rigor and transparency. Levin, a professor at the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, describes himself as a 'Forrest Gump' figure who has witnessed the evolution of the academic study of hate crimes since the 1980s. While he said researchers in the field are busier than ever, his own scholarly efforts are still directed towards the same goal. Read the complete article at “In a heated political climate, hate-crime researchers keep their cool.”
CSUSB professor quoted in article looking ahead to major issues in 2019The Washington Post, via the Richmond (Va.) Times-LeaderDec. 31, 2018 In a column looking ahead to major issues in 2019, the newspaper reported: “Terrorism was the rare bright spot in 2018: It was down around the world. In fact, data collected by the University of Maryland shows that the number of terrorist attacks has dropped every year since 2015.“That may not hold in 2019. “Experts attribute the decline, particularly in Europe, to the Islamic State losing its footing. The group ‘suffered formidable losses in Syria and neighboring Iraq,’ said Brian Levin, head of California State University, San Bernardino’s Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism. ‘They lost much of their virtual space as well.’ The network has struggled to recruit and train followers, and lacks the capacity to pull off large-scale attacks.” Read the complete article at “2019: The year in preview; Terrorist attacks will be harder to prevent.” It is the third item in the column.
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