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Education, Prevention, and Moderation

At CSUSB, we are dedicated to equipping students with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions about alcohol use. We emphasize harm reduction and prevention strategies, fostering a safe and responsible college experience. Through education and support, we aim to empower students to prioritize their well-being while enjoying their time on campus.

Students who would like to learn more, or are concerned about their drinking habits can contact the Student Health Center for support. The Student Health Center offers group presentations, one-on-one health education appointments, and resource referrals. For emotional concerns regarding alcohol use, students are encouraged to make an appointment with Counseling and Psychological Services.


How to Know If Drinking May Be An Issue:

Alcohol use disorder can be mild, moderate, or severe, based on the number of symptoms you experience. Signs and symptoms may include:

  • Being unable to limit the amount of alcohol you drink
  • Wanting to cut down on how much you drink or making unsuccessful attempts to do so
  • Spending a lot of time drinking, getting alcohol, or recovering from alcohol use
  • Feeling a strong craving or urge to drink alcohol
  • Failing to fulfill major obligations at work, school, or home due to repeated alcohol use
  • Continuing to drink alcohol even though you know it's causing physical, social, work, or relationship problems
  • Giving up or reducing social and work activities and hobbies to use alcohol
  • Using alcohol in situations where it's not safe, such as when driving or swimming
  • Developing a tolerance to alcohol so you need more to feel its effect or you have a reduced effect from the same amount
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms — such as nausea, sweating, and shaking — when you don't drink, or drinking to avoid these symptoms


To learn more, follow the link to these online resources. 

Alcohol's Effect on Health- NIH

Alcohol Use Basics- CDC

Alcohol Use Disorder- Mayoclinic