The benefits of California State University, San Bernardino’s economic, technological, social and environmental impacts can be felt throughout the region and all over California. Annual spending related to Cal State San Bernardino generates an impact of more than half a billion dollars on the statewide economy.
CSUSB’s impact generates more than $536 million in annual spending in California, as well as $32 million in statewide tax revenue annually. Even greater, nearly $1.2 billion of the earnings by Cal State San Bernardino alumni are attributable to their CSU degrees, which creates an additional $2 billion of industry activity throughout the state each year.

Cal State San Bernardino’s impact sustains more than 2,000 jobs in the region and 4,700 statewide. This is especially important during the current economic climate, which shows that Californians with a four-year college degree are more likely to be employed than those without a college degree. California’s unemployment rate for workers with only a high-school diploma is 13.7 percent, compared to only 6.4 percent for four-year college graduates.
In addition to supporting job creation and reducing unemployment, CSUSB graduates about 4,000 students every year.