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Neurofeedback At CSUSB

Neurofeedback at CSUSB

Offered as a service to the region as part of the community partnership mission of the university, the neurofeedback program is provided by trained clinicians and open to citizens of the Inland Empire. Clinicians pre- and post-test clients and assist them in the neurofeedback sessions, which typically last 30 minutes twice per week. Clients have seen results in less than 10 weeks, yet outcomes vary case by case.

The program is overseen by Connie McReynolds, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist, who is on the faculty in the Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation & Counseling in the College of Education at CSUSB. Dr. McReynolds shown right receiving a certificate of recognition from a California State Assembly field representative..

'Neurofeedback…and medication are the two most common forms of treatment for ADHD/ADD. Both are successful in treating these disorders in a large majority of cases. There are, however, significant differences in the ways these treatments work, the potential side effects of their use, the length of treatment necessary, and, importantly the lessons learned by the child of how to correct personal problems…'

'Neurofeedback is an effective, drug-free, painless procedure in which the child [adult] learns to re-train the attention mechanisms of their brain, alleviating the condition,' states Dr. Stephen Ferrari in a 2012 article/ study.

'Jesse' said he has noticed at school he can concentrate on the board better, even when he doesn't want to. After just 5 sessions of neurofeedback, he says 'it is working.'

Dr. Connie McReynolds