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Prof. Rob Ray

Rob RayProf. Rob Ray

Rob Ray is an Associate Professor of Design at California State University, San Bernardino, an artist, and a consulting senior technical experience designer at Electronic Arts.

From 2017 to 2020, Rob was a senior lead designer for the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. At NASA JPL, he led the human-centered design practice for ProtoSpace, the Lab’s flagship collaborative mixed reality (MR) platform for scientists and engineers. He also served as the user interfacing lead for VITAL, two FDA-approved emergency-use low-cost ventilators developed as part of NASA’s national response to COVID-19.

From 1999 to 2008, Rob was the founding curator of the DEADTECH electronic arts center in Chicago, IL. DEADTECH’s unique curatorial vision, workshop facilities, and exhibition space were custom created for the specific needs of the electronic artist and performer.

He is currently exploring the overlapping of human collectivity, music, and mixed reality.