Annual Communication Studies Symposium to be Held at California State University San Bernardino - May 7
The Communication Studies Symposium will be held at California State University San Bernardino on May 7, 2019, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Celebrating communication studies students and featuring awards and speakers, the Symposium helps students conquer anything in their future careers. Past topics have included preparation for professional careers in the field, women in the workforce, and expectations in the workplace - all featuring alumni of the department.Public information: Attending the event is free. Tickets aren't available yet for 2019, but when they are you can register through the Symposium age at press release was created by undergraduate Communication Studies students as part of their coursework in Public Relations.ABOUT THE CSUSB DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES: As part of the College of Arts and Letters, the CSUSB Department of Communication Studies is a multifaceted discipline combining both academic and professional interests including concentrations in media studies, public relations, and human and organizational communication.