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Coyote Day One Textbook Access pilot program, Fall 2024

We are excited to announce that CSUSB will pilot the Coyote Day One Textbook Access program in Fall 2024!

Coyote Day One is a program that

  • Provides every CSUSB undergraduate student (except those enrolled through the College of Extended and Global Education, CEGE) access to their required textbooks and other instructional materials (IM),
  • before the first day of class,
  • for the low price of $21.50 per unit, capped at $322.50 for 15 or more units.

All undergraduate students (except those enrolled through CEGE) are automatically enrolled in the program for Fall 2024. Students who do not wish to participate may opt out of the program between August 1, 2024 and the Fall 2024 census date, Monday, September 23, 2024 via this link.

The program is "digital first," meaning that each student will be provided all their textbooks and other instructional materials in digital format unless they are not available or unless the instructor of that class section requests hard copy materials.

For more information, see the Coyote Day One FAQs and the Opting Out of Coyote Day One pages linked below.