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Faculty may request image digitization for course materials or research projects.
In addition to image processing, the VRC creates also PDF copies of articles or book chapters for faculty members to use in courses.
To request digitization services, please contact the VRC Director.

The Visual Resource Center is transitioning its physical slide collection to digital collection on the instructional technology platform. 
Slides are digitized in order of priority.
Discolored, out-of-focus, or otherwise poorly produced slide images will not be digitized unless correction and digital cleaning can be performed at minimal cost and only when the images are not readily available in other formats.

When students request digital images or scans, the Visual Resource Center will guide the student through the digitization process.

Images are added to the permanent collection according to the acquisition policy.
The VRC may refuse digitization requests if we believe they violate the copyright law, but the faculty member is solely responsible for using digital materials in accordance with copyright law and fair use practices.

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Ethan Michalak