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Policies Regarding Vaccinations

Policies Regarding Vaccinations


Students who are accessing facilities of any university locations are required to be immunized against the virus that causes COVID-19. For more details, please see the CSU COVID-19 Vaccination Interim Policy.  

The Student Health Center provides clearances for the university admissions requirement. All new and re-admitted California State University students born after Jan. 1, 1957, are required to present proof of measles and rubella immunizations to the Student Health Center. The hepatitis B vaccine series is required of first time enrollees under the age of 19. However, you may be exempt for both of these requirements if you've graduated from a California public school during or after 2005. More detailed and specific requirements may be viewed on the CSUSB Student Health Center website, or may be obtained by calling (909) 537-5241.

Although not required, students are also strongly encouraged to receive the Meningococcal meningitis vaccine. Meningococcal meningitis is known to spread easily among students, particularly those living in residence halls or sharing apartments with multiple roommates.

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