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5. Why are e-cigarettes and vaporizers included in this policy?

5. Why are e-cigarettes and vaporizers included in this policy?


E-cigarettes have become increasingly popular, though much about the risks associated with them is unknown. Even though some users state that these devices have helped them reduce or quit smoking traditional cigarettes and helped to reduce their nicotine addiction, there is currently little evidence that e-cigarettes or vaporizers can help you quit smoking.

Neither e-cigarettes nor vaporizers are FDA approved "quit smoking" aids. If the manufacturers wanted to make this claim, they would have to adhere to specific FDA standards and clinical trials. They have yet to apply for such status. Aside from being addictive, nicotine itself is toxic to humans. The nicotine vapor in e-cigarettes and vaporizers may send a more concentrated dose of nicotine into user’s body. Choosing a lower “juice” or fluid isn't necessarily a reliable way to decrease nicotine intake as these substances are not standardized or guaranteed to contain the chemicals they advertise. FDA tests have found that similarly labeled e-cigarette cartridges released widely varying levels of nicotine per puff and that even cartridges labeled as nicotine free still contained nicotine. Another concern is that e-cigarettes and vaporizers contain toxic contaminants in the fluid and/or vapor. The short term and long term consequences of inhaling these chemicals has yet to be determined.

However, all forms of FDA approved nicotine replacement therapy such as gum, nicotine inhalers, lozenges and patches are allowed.

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