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General Rules of Play

General Rules of Play


Generally, the rules of NCAA outdoor soccer will be used to govern indoor soccer. Still, there will be a number of modifications:

  1. There is no offsides in indoor soccer.
  2. There is no slide-tackling allowed. To do so results in an indirect free kick at the spot of the violation, a yellow card and a two minute penalty.
  3. Defensive players must stand at least 4 yards from the ball during any free kick.
  4. On the kickoff to start the game or after a goal, the defending team must be behind the half court line for basketball.
  5. Penalty kicks will be taken from the top of the goalie's box (about 8 yards away). All players other than the kicker and the goalie must be behind the mid-court line when the penalty kick is taken.
  6. If the goalie handles the ball in any way, a goal kicks and free kicks or throws by the goalie must touch the floor or be touched by a player before reaching mid-court. If a ball travels over mid-court in the air on a goal kick or goalie throw, the ball will be put in play by the non-offending team by an indirect free kick at mid-court.
  7. Rough play (fouls) will be characterized as flagrant and non-flagrant. A flagrant foul will be penalized by a two-minute penalty, as in ice hockey. Violent intentional violations such as pushing, tripping, etc. will bring about this penalty. After a penalty, play resumes with a direct free kick at the spot of the foul. Continual rough play by and individual will result in a game ejection and possible suspension from the league. Non-flagrant fouls will bring about a direct free kick at the point of the violation only. Any problems or questions which arise during a game will be dealt with by the official. One official will be present for all games and their decisions are final.