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  1. Pants, shorts, sweats, etc. may be worn with pockets and belt loops as long as safety is not put at risk. In general, any kind of attire is acceptable to participate in as long as the safety of the individual and other participants is not put in question.
  2. Jewelry is not allowed - PERIOD! Placing tape over any type of jewelry on any part of the body (ear, nose, eyebrow, etc.) is not allowed, as the jewelry is still present, and presents a safety concern to both the player wearing the jewelry as well as the opponent.
  3. Shoes - All players must wear an enclosed shoe. Spiked shoes made out of any non-metal material may be worn. NO METAL CLEATS. Any players wearing metal cleats must remove them immediately; play must be stopped until the metal cleats are removed.
  4. Game balls and bats must be “official”. The only bats allowed to be used for all scheduled games must say on the bat “official softball bat”.