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Earthquake Procedures

Earthquake Procedures


Drop, Cover, Hold on

  • Stay in the building.
  • DO NOT immediately evacuate during an earthquake.
  •  Drop under a desk, table, doorways and similar places, or up against a wall.
  • COVER the back of your neck with your hands.
  • HOLD ON to the object. If it moves, move with it; stay put until the shaking stops.
  • Keep away from overhead fixtures, hanging plants, windows, filing cabinets, bookcases, and other furniture.
  • Assist any person with physical disabilities in the area and find a safe place for them.
  • Keep calm! When the shaking stops, check yourself for injuries, and assist others if it is safe to do so.

When an Evacuation is Ordered

  • Use the nearest exit and go to the campus evacuation site nearest the building you occupy or are near.
  • See Emergency Evacuation Site Map.
  • Do not  immediately leave campus.
  • Check in at your evacuation site and wait for further instructions.
  • Assist disabled persons in evacuating the building.
  • If they are unable to do so, then direct them to a safe place to wait (usually near a stairwell). Lock wheelchair brakes to minimize injuries.
  • Be sure to notify the Building Marshal / Floor Marshal of their location, so that emergency personnel can extract them safely.
  • Beware of falling debris and electrical wires when exiting.
  • Persons in buildings on the campus outskirts should proceed to the nearest evacuation site, as per the map, or as directed by emergency personnel.
  • Take precautions against additional aftershocks.
  • Immediately follow all emergency instructions as given by police or emergency personnel.
  • Do not re-enter any building until it is cleared by the Emergency Operation Center (EOC), University Police, Facilities Service Personnel, or other emergency personnel.