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COVID-19 CISO Update

COVID-19 CISO Update

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Cyber Intelligence & Security Organization (CISO) will be moving all club projects temporarily online. Although the club will likely not meet physically next quarter, CISO is dedicated to the development of our members and will continue to offer resources to help you feel competent and capable when you enter the cybersecurity workforce upon graduation. Please check on the CISO website or on the CISO Slack for information about your project meeting date and time. Meetings will likely occur through Zoom.

While the campus is advising that meeting on campus is unlikely, our vision for the spring quarter is to continue collaborating with our partner clubs WiCyS, CSE, and WiCSE, to ensure that member resumes/interview skills are well-developed and display CSUSB qualities to employers throughout the Nation. We recognize that there are current factors and challenges that our campus is facing; however, through adversity, there is opportunity. Thus, the perfect opportunity to demonstrate the hybrid use of in-person and hybrid technologies.

Many of our events will still take place virtually. For other events, you must check the CISO website, the CISO Slack, or the Cybersecurity Center Events page for updates. Before the spring quarter, our officers, as well as members, were in the process of planning out our 2nd Annual Tech Fair. Several employers were invited to talk about recent occurrences in the technological world to spark an interest in technology or to motivate those who are already pursuing a career in tech. Furthermore, members of CISO, WiCyS, CSE, and WiCSE will have booths showcasing some of their areas of expertise.

We look forward to having an exciting quarter with our members and newcomers.