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Dr. Muhtaseb, Dr. Grant and Prof. Nerren Attend the Diversity Equity and Inclusion in the Classroom Institute

Dr. Muhtaseb, Dr. Grant and Prof. Nerren Attend the Diversity Equity and Inclusion in the Classroom Institute

The department's professors are hard at work preparing to make the 2018-2019 academic year the best one yet! This week, two full time COMM faculty attended the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion institute (Dr. Muhtaseb and Prof. Nerren) and one served as a facilitator (Dr. Grant). Attendees participated in many activities including reading and discussing the latest research, sharing their own unique experiences both inside and outside the classroom, and brainstorming future projects in thier research or in the classroom to enhance the learning experiences for all students through the use and insderstanding of inclusive and equitable practices.