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IT Governance – May 2017

IT Governance – May 2017

CIA Request Recommendation Presentation

In order to address challenges with the current CIA process, ITS presented a recommendation to move to a delegated submission process where a select group creates CIA Requests and become the point of contact for those requests.  The new proposed delegated CIA request process was demonstrated, including statistics, benefits and the next steps and the Executive Committee provided feedback. This process will also be presented at a future Administrative Council meeting.

u-Direct Demonstration

Representatives from the office of Registrar demonstrated the u-Direct tool (Coyote Plan Builder) to the Executive Committee, highlighting the different key aspects and functions. The tool is currently being piloted in the College of Business and Public Administration.

Concur Q& A with Cindy Levin

Cindy Levin attended the meeting to address concerns shared at the previous meeting about the Concur system. The discussion covered expiration times for requests and notifications. Different scenarios were discussed and the Executive Committee recommended increasing the expiration time to fourteen days.

Campus-wide Phishing Exercise and Training- Phase II Recommendation

ITS shared the phishing exercise and training report from the 100 individual pilot group. Results included 45 individuals opening the email and 13 individuals opening the attachment. The report included a screenshot of what the lesson for the program looked like. Based on the results and the discussion, the Executive Committee approved the recommendation to move forward with an exercise campus-wide. It will take place before the end of the quarter.