^B00:00:04 >> CSUSB was instrumental in preparing me for my role as the chief of Equity and Access. The role of chief of Equity and Access for San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools is really to act as a bridge. And that bridge is for anyone who has a touchpoint in the lives of children. So it could be Edison. I do a lot of work with San Bernardino County Sheriff; it's with law enforcement. It could be with the gas company. It's with the Department of Behavioral Health. It's anybody who will have a touchpoint in the lives of children. So, because that's everybody, then everybody has to be able to have a relationship with me. I'm doing everything I can, leveraging every resource, leveraging myself, being vulnerable in groups, being vulnerable as an individual to ensure that whatever needs to happen that every single child gets to reach their ultimate potential and have opportunity is what this office is doing. I am very privileged to serve as the first chief of Equity and Access for San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools. I'm very proud to serve in this role and I always say I'm the first and I don't want to be the last. I grew up with little opportunity that I saw immediately. So today, I stand firm, not just a lightning bolt to get folks out of poverty but just as a system of parity. The more you know, the better you can do. And I feel that education is that linchpin. It is the thing that unites us all. And when you are able to broaden your horizon, when you're able to open your mind to diverse perspectives, you can only do it because you are learning. No one can take your education. So I am a firm believer in education and I'm honored to have walked the halls of Cal State San Bernardino in earning my doctorate. I'm proud to serve in that capacity and it means the absolute world to me. I wouldn't trade it for anything. It is absolutely what I believe to be why I'm here and it absolutely is the reason why I chose Cal State San Bernardino. Students that graduate from Cal State San Bernardino work right here in the IE. And that was profound because I got to thinking about it and every single person that I know personally works right here in the IE. So the impact that that institution has on the community in which we serve is second to none. It's just proof that dreams can come true, even if you didn't know to dream them. My name is Dr. Cherina Betters. I love CSUSB. I am a Coyote for life. ^M00:02:32 [ Coyote Howl ]