[ Music ] ^M00:00:05 >> My motivation to go to college came from my parents. My parents were very big about education. My dad was a police officer. CSUSB was kind of that perfect area where it was far away from home, but close enough to home, too, so I could still see my family. Going to school at Cal State San Bernardino, it was just more than school. That sense of pride, knowing that those four years that I spent there were special because I met a lot of great people. It was just the overall experience of having a diverse group of people that I was able to be there with. Being a community service officer was kind of my introductory into policing, and the university had that program just for that. Coming out of the academy, just having that foundation I instantly fell in love. Majoring in kinesiology did come from playing sports. Kinesiology really applies to policing because it's not necessarily criminal justice, but really a lot of departments look for well-rounded people, and kinesiology gave me that well roundedness. In the four years that I spent at Cal State San Bernardino, I got what I needed from there, not just education wise, but building relationships with other people and growing. That really helped me become an officer and be able to come out here in the streets and interact with the community as well. College really helped me become the person I am today. The most rewarding part of being a police officer is truly getting to help people. They call us on sometimes their worst moments or their worst days, and being able to go there and help them, and restore peace and sometimes bring a little comfort back to what seems so bad. Especially when you go on calls and you see kids, being in a situation where kids may not be in the best environment and being able to show them that we're there to help them, and we're there to show them that, you know what? When I was six or seven, the police officer was there and the police officer helped me. And maybe that's something I want to do when I get older or I grow up. For me, policing is about being able to serve the community, but you have to strike a balance of enforcement and also being fair. Maybe there's a different resource out there for them. Maybe there's some other option for them that I can help them with that they didn't realize that was available to them. I enjoy serving my community because we're all built by the community, and I feel like I've been built by the community. I hope to have an impact on my community as well as future students looking to be a CSUSB coyote. I'm Cameron Williams. I'm a police officer and I'm a proud CSUSB alumnus. ^M00:02:35 [ Music ]